Hey y'all!
Another great week here in beautiful Beaufort :) serving in South Carolina has been an absolute treat! I love it here because the sun is always shining and it storms at least once a week. Its a little reminder to me that our challenges & trials are gaurenteed in this life but so is the Saviors light to get through them. Helps me appreciate the better days!
On Sunday I saw the Recruit I met about 2 weeks ago! She came up to me and told me she had a note for me but couldn't get it to the Elders before they left last week. I was surprised she remembered me haha, but I definitely remembered her! I went over to sit by her and after I sat down she apologized for missing church last week. She mentioned she had a really difficult week and regretted missing the opportunity to spiritually recharge. Then she actually thanked me and told me she felt me praying for her all week long (I prayed for her every single day!!) She said it was the strongest on Monday, she said she was walking around with gratitude for everything! Haha she's awesome.
After Sacrament on base we taught the Restoration to 2 recruits and a Private! It was incredible, the spirit radiated so strongly and each of them described how they felt after. One said, "it's pretty hard to find people who genuinely care, and I can feel that you care about us and what your sharing" and another said she felt really light. I know that is true, because I do care & everything good comes from God.
I really do love missionary work because I know there is hope for everyone, no matter who you are or what you've done! I was pondering last night about why I choose to keep the commandments. At first I recognized how much joy comes into my life as I live in accordance to God's plan and the reality of the promised companionship of the Holy Ghost. Then I thought about how I have also seen how much sorrow & bitterness comes from justification and disobedient choices. The scripture that came to mind was "no unclean thing can dwell in the presence of God" and the gospel has helped me understand that no unclean person will want to. Where we go after this life is not a punishment or reward, it's a direct consequence of the choices we make today.
I hope y'all are enjoying summer. Keep on shining even when a storms a brewin' ;) I promise you there is light even if you can't always see it,
Sister Morrill
Another great week here in beautiful Beaufort :) serving in South Carolina has been an absolute treat! I love it here because the sun is always shining and it storms at least once a week. Its a little reminder to me that our challenges & trials are gaurenteed in this life but so is the Saviors light to get through them. Helps me appreciate the better days!
On Sunday I saw the Recruit I met about 2 weeks ago! She came up to me and told me she had a note for me but couldn't get it to the Elders before they left last week. I was surprised she remembered me haha, but I definitely remembered her! I went over to sit by her and after I sat down she apologized for missing church last week. She mentioned she had a really difficult week and regretted missing the opportunity to spiritually recharge. Then she actually thanked me and told me she felt me praying for her all week long (I prayed for her every single day!!) She said it was the strongest on Monday, she said she was walking around with gratitude for everything! Haha she's awesome.
After Sacrament on base we taught the Restoration to 2 recruits and a Private! It was incredible, the spirit radiated so strongly and each of them described how they felt after. One said, "it's pretty hard to find people who genuinely care, and I can feel that you care about us and what your sharing" and another said she felt really light. I know that is true, because I do care & everything good comes from God.
I really do love missionary work because I know there is hope for everyone, no matter who you are or what you've done! I was pondering last night about why I choose to keep the commandments. At first I recognized how much joy comes into my life as I live in accordance to God's plan and the reality of the promised companionship of the Holy Ghost. Then I thought about how I have also seen how much sorrow & bitterness comes from justification and disobedient choices. The scripture that came to mind was "no unclean thing can dwell in the presence of God" and the gospel has helped me understand that no unclean person will want to. Where we go after this life is not a punishment or reward, it's a direct consequence of the choices we make today.
I hope y'all are enjoying summer. Keep on shining even when a storms a brewin' ;) I promise you there is light even if you can't always see it,
Sister Morrill
Alma 42:27
"whosoever will come may come and partake of the waters of life freely; and whosoever will not come the same is not compelled to come; but in the last day it shall be restored unto him according to his deeds"