I'm on my way H O M E! 18 months ago y'all I had not the slightest clue what journey I was about to embark on. During my time out, I have learned quite a lot. Every moment in the field & every person I met was my opportunity to exercise faith in God. I had no idea what they needed to hear or how I could help, but I assure you He knows every single one of us by name. He called me to serve, He inspired righteous men to know where I was to serve, and He inspires President Grayson who prayerfully considers each missionary & where to place them.
I felt most humbled as I bounced back and forth from the energy of a new missionary and one who was soon returning. I felt as though I was going home and coming out 4 times! I believe God's hand is in all lives, but I am certain his hand has been active in mine.
There were many times during my journey I felt peace and joy because I knew my Savior was walking right beside me! And what I have learned through personal experience, I hope to always remember. God is eternal & so are we. He never leaves us alone & He does not want to. When I felt most confused and frustrated, it was then when I looked up toward our Father in Heaven that brought me closer to Him. Through His love & guidance, I have come to love & understand Jesus Christ a little more each day.
I am grateful for example, which helps me understand.
I am grateful for many people, who taught me how to turn to God.
I am grateful for opposition, which leads me to my Savior.
But above all, I am grateful for Jesus Christ who came to the earth to experience all we would and more. Though Christ was sinless, He understands the struggles our mistakes and the mistakes of others cause us to feel.
He is our mediator, and I testify that He is mighty to save.
I love y'all, I appreciate the support & responses you have given me throughout my mission. I look forward to seeing y'all soon!
Love, Sister Morrill