Monday, July 31, 2017

Try Try And Try Again

Happy Monday y'all!
This week we were able to participate in a community service event with basically the entire town. A very generous man donates enough backpacks and school supplies for seriously the whole community and puts together a little carnival to kick off the school year. People are great, especially southerners. They truly appreciate and recognize Gods hand in everything they do and I love that. Give credit where credit is due right?
I have a box here, and so far it has two items in it.
The first is a dress I attempted to make last Monday. Sister Blackburn sews a lot and has made a handful of dresses, so I asked her to teach me. I told her I would do it, if she showed me how. So she showed me and I felt like I could do it. I kid you not, I spent my whole P day trying to finish this dress. I knew my comp wanted to make hers, so I attempted to do it all by myself. I ended up with a half decent dress, uneven sleeves, and several holes!
The second item is a ball of braided yarn. On Saturday we visited a less active. She is a real hoot, I love her because she doesn't beat around the bush. She wanted to teach us how to knit. Sister Blackburn picked it up pretty quick, me.. not so much (I try to avoid situations I know will be frustrating). The less active plopped a chair next to me and began to show me how to do it over and over. She said, "I am a very patient woman. Now we are going to do this until you get it right". I had her convinced enough that she let us leave, except I was fully aware that I didn't actually learn how to knit. She must have been very convinced though, because before we left she gave me two sticks and a ball of yarn. On the way home I created a long, beautiful, hot mess of another first attempt.
My stubborn and prideful head, lead me backwards.
Many might assume the box is trash, but to me it is a reminder (because my brain works like that). A reminder that we do not have to do hard things on our own. We choose to, but why? Both instances consisted of an experienced teacher that I rejected. Thankfully, there is more fabric and yarn that permit me to try again. The Lord has given us so many tools for success; scriptures, the Holy Ghost, prayer, church, families, etc. But they mean nothing without faith in Jesus Christ. Much like the fabric and yarn supply, the Saviors atonement allows us to be better and try again.
"We were not made to walk on earth alone"- Thomas S Monson
John 15:4-5
Abide in me, and in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

am the vineye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
Always be humble and kind! I love y'all. Have a blessed week!
Sister Morrill
​​1. Service!
2. Not today Satan
3. Zone Conference
4. Another DMV missionary, he lives on the border of Maryland but is in the DC South mission boundaries!!
5. Small world- this is my old roommates (Ken) mom's cousin 


Monday, July 24, 2017

There Is Sunshine In My Soul

Happy Pioneer Day y'all!
I hope life is good wherever you may be! We had exchanges this week on Wednesday. I spent Wednesday in Harlem, with Sister Davis! I quickly realized how small Swainsboro really is, there is so much civilization there haha. I thought a lot about frozen yogurt on Thursday after I was dropped off. Missed opportunity! But that's okay, because on Saturday I had the opportunity to see our investigator get baptized and on Sunday receive the Holy Ghost. Let me tell you about her;
She has the kindest soul! She so desperately wanted to know whether or not the Book of Mormon is true, so she finally humbled herself and prayed to ask God. She received her answer clear as day, and had a desire to be baptized! But, she was wrestling an addiction so she turned to her Heavenly Father and asked Him to bless her with strength to avoid temptation and overcome her battle. It was a long time coming, but as of Saturday she was two weeks clean! She has been such a blessing to me, I'm so grateful for her example and testimony.
Ether 12:27

"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness, I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficent enough for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."
No matter what your struggle may be, I promise God is aware of it and you. Humble yourself, have faith, and look up!
After her baptism, we went to a members home for an early dinner. Seriously, it was seafood galore! My heart was so happy, two days later I am still smiling. After that we surprised a former investigator for her birthday! Sister Blackburn has been pretty sick, so prayers she feels better soon!
I love and miss y'all, enjoy the week!
Sister Morrill
1. Exchanges
2. Cupcakes we made for Gracie (her family goes through the Temple this weekend!)
3. Before her baptism
4. Her hair is awesome & she asked me to braid it
5. She calls me her doppelganger, haha I love it!
6. Surprise!
8. Can you tell its green here in Georgia?
9. Me & Kermit

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Forgiveness Makes The World Go Round

Hey y'all! 

I forgot to mention last week that I would be emailing on Tuesday. Once every six weeks from today I will be, because it allows missionaries to visit museums or other places that are closed on Mondays. On Thursday, Sister Blackburn and I biked again! We even biked to service. We spent a couple of hours at the food pantry, where apparently I met an Apostle. His name is Apostle something King. I couldn't really understand him, but he told me that everything I have is because of him, and he will soon be giving me more. He was an interesting man. He walks around with a large wooden cross that I think doubles as his cane.

Whoever said missionaries can't do service in the temple, clearly never had a bike. Because if our bodies are a temple, I did serious work on Thursday. We biked at least 10 miles. Loved every minute of it too! On Saturday we went to Macon for a training, we basically learned the safety precautions of driving, biking, bugs, and how to avoid accidents/having your bike stolen. I got to see my MTC sisters there!! I was looking forward to it all week. It was so nice to be surrounded by so many familiar faces.

I spent a lot of time this week thinking about forgiveness. Fortunately, we having a loving God who can forgive us when we sincerely ask. Real repentance must involve faith in Jesus Christ, faith that He can change us, faith that He can forgive us, and faith that He will help us avoid more mistakes.

Mark 1:40-42

I feel so grateful every day for Christs atoning sacrifices. What we do matters to Him and to us. And because what we do matters to us, we have to be willing to accept His forgiveness and forgive ourselves. That's always the hardest part for me. I know as we learn to forgive ourselves, we will experience the eternal joy our Heavenly Father desires each of us to have. Our Savior forgives because it is one of His many divine attributes. As we forgive others and ourselves, we can become more like Him.

"I, the Lord, will forgive whom I forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men".
D&C 64:10

I hope y'all have a blessed week! As you choose to forgive your family, friends, and those around you, I promise you will experience more joy. 

I love and miss y'all,
Sister Morrill

1. Our investigator getting baptized this weekend! (She didn't want to take it off haha)
2. Southern eatin'
3. My district
4. President Grayson
5. Sister Whatcott!!!! Miss seeing her pretty face every day
6. ""
7. Sister Orton!
8. Kiara rocks my socks
8. Forgot to send from the MTC

Monday, July 10, 2017

Missionary Work With Biggie Smalls!

.....Kidding, sort of.

Hey Y'all!

I hope you're doing well, you enjoyed your 4th, and life is good! Life is great here in Swainsboro. This week we found out one of our investigators wants to push up her baptismal date and a recent convert decided she wants to serve a mission! She had her Temple interview on Sunday. We are so pumped for them. On Saturday, we biked instead of driving. Let me tell you, I have never been so grateful for a bike. We were biking down a road and we looked ahead when 3 huge dogs appeared. (Keep in mind, its illegal to not report dog bites in Georgia). I looked for a leash or their gate, which was definitely not there. My adrenaline got the best of me and my legs peddled faster than I have ever seen. They chased us down 3 streets and through a yard, dedicated dogs were clearly on a mission ;). Needless to say, I was very grateful to have that bike. On Sunday I gave a talk on missionary work. I realized I was a missionary long before I put on my name tag. As members of this church, we expected to stand in holy places at all times and in all things. Always remember who you are and never forget what you stand for! 

Alma 17:11

"And the Lord said unto them also: Go forth among the Lamanites, thy brethren, and establish my word; yet ye shall be patient in long-suffering and afflictions, that ye may show forth good examples unto them in me, and I will make an instrument of thee in my hands unto the salvation of many souls."

If you skimmed this to find out if I met Biggie, sorry to disappoint. But I did get a picture with Bruce! Bruce is awesome, he feeds the missionaries and takes care of us. We love and appreciate him and his family so much. He is a recent convert, well everyone here is. There are more to come too!

I love and miss you all, thank you for all you do. 

Have a blessed week! 

Sister Morrill
More Pictures because who reads the emails

 A random chimney we found while tracting, if you dont think about it.. it kind of looks like we are one.
 "Biggie Smalls"
Our investigator on the road to baptism
Recent convert wanting to serve.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Just Peachy!

Hey Y'all!

I have successfully spent my first week in Georgia! I love it here, it reminds me so much of home. I spent my first night in the mission home, and met President Grayson and Sister Grayson. They're awesome. The next day I said goodbye to Sister Whatcott and hello to my trainer/new companion. Her name is Sister Blackburn, and she is from Centerville, Utah. I must be really blessed because she is so great I love her because she is so patient and supportive. Two for two! We are serving in the Swainsboro area. Everyone here loves to talk about Jesus!

My favorite day this week was definitely Thursday. Sister Blackburn and I planned to go with the senior couple to teach a recent convert. We decided against it, because we don't really know Spanish too well. We went through the neighborhood instead, and we knocked on a woman's door. We offered her a Book of Mormon and invited her to read, ponder, and pray to know for herself of its truth. She wanted to know more, so she invited us in. She opened up to us, and told us before her son committed suicide he was reading it. She told us that people tell her she wont see her son because "He is going to Hell". So we assured her that God loves all of his children, and because He loves us, he provided a plan for us to come home to Him. Then we taught her about the Plan of Salvation! She was an angel. 

After we left, we were walking and we stopped to talk to a boy shaking out his rug. He was the grandson of two preachers. He said he didnt know which church was true but he would be interesting in learning more about the Church of Latter Day Saints. So, we invited him & left! We were walking down the road and Sister Blackburn turned around and noticed he was chasing us. When he caught up to us, he said "its very hot outside, so I brought you two an ice pop". Haha! It's the little things in life for me, and that was awesome.

I'm happy to be serving the Lord in such a beautiful state, with beautiful children of God! No report on Southern food, so here's some food for thought!

"But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the Kingdom of God"

We would be nothing without God, He created us and created our Earth. What did you do today to express your gratitude?

I hope y'all have a blessed week! I love you and please know how grateful I am for your prayers. I feel them all the way here in Southern Georgia!

Sister Morrill