Happy Monday y'all!
This week we were able to participate in a community service event with basically the entire town. A very generous man donates enough backpacks and school supplies for seriously the whole community and puts together a little carnival to kick off the school year. People are great, especially southerners. They truly appreciate and recognize Gods hand in everything they do and I love that. Give credit where credit is due right?
The second item is a ball of braided yarn. On Saturday we visited a less active. She is a real hoot, I love her because she doesn't beat around the bush. She wanted to teach us how to knit. Sister Blackburn picked it up pretty quick, me.. not so much (I try to avoid situations I know will be frustrating). The less active plopped a chair next to me and began to show me how to do it over and over. She said, "I am a very patient woman. Now we are going to do this until you get it right". I had her convinced enough that she let us leave, except I was fully aware that I didn't actually learn how to knit. She must have been very convinced though, because before we left she gave me two sticks and a ball of yarn. On the way home I created a long, beautiful, hot mess of another first attempt.
My stubborn and prideful head, lead me backwards.
Many might assume the box is trash, but to me it is a reminder (because my brain works like that). A reminder that we do not have to do hard things on our own. We choose to, but why? Both instances consisted of an experienced teacher that I rejected. Thankfully, there is more fabric and yarn that permit me to try again. The Lord has given us so many tools for success; scriptures, the Holy Ghost, prayer, church, families, etc. But they mean nothing without faith in Jesus Christ. Much like the fabric and yarn supply, the Saviors atonement allows us to be better and try again.
"We were not made to walk on earth alone"- Thomas S Monson
"We were not made to walk on earth alone"- Thomas S Monson
John 15:4-5
4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
Always be humble and kind! I love y'all. Have a blessed week!
Sister Morrill
1. Service!
2. Not today Satan
3. Zone Conference
4. Another DMV missionary, he lives on the border of Maryland but is in the DC South mission boundaries!!