Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Forgiveness Makes The World Go Round

Hey y'all! 

I forgot to mention last week that I would be emailing on Tuesday. Once every six weeks from today I will be, because it allows missionaries to visit museums or other places that are closed on Mondays. On Thursday, Sister Blackburn and I biked again! We even biked to service. We spent a couple of hours at the food pantry, where apparently I met an Apostle. His name is Apostle something King. I couldn't really understand him, but he told me that everything I have is because of him, and he will soon be giving me more. He was an interesting man. He walks around with a large wooden cross that I think doubles as his cane.

Whoever said missionaries can't do service in the temple, clearly never had a bike. Because if our bodies are a temple, I did serious work on Thursday. We biked at least 10 miles. Loved every minute of it too! On Saturday we went to Macon for a training, we basically learned the safety precautions of driving, biking, bugs, and how to avoid accidents/having your bike stolen. I got to see my MTC sisters there!! I was looking forward to it all week. It was so nice to be surrounded by so many familiar faces.

I spent a lot of time this week thinking about forgiveness. Fortunately, we having a loving God who can forgive us when we sincerely ask. Real repentance must involve faith in Jesus Christ, faith that He can change us, faith that He can forgive us, and faith that He will help us avoid more mistakes.

Mark 1:40-42

I feel so grateful every day for Christs atoning sacrifices. What we do matters to Him and to us. And because what we do matters to us, we have to be willing to accept His forgiveness and forgive ourselves. That's always the hardest part for me. I know as we learn to forgive ourselves, we will experience the eternal joy our Heavenly Father desires each of us to have. Our Savior forgives because it is one of His many divine attributes. As we forgive others and ourselves, we can become more like Him.

"I, the Lord, will forgive whom I forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men".
D&C 64:10

I hope y'all have a blessed week! As you choose to forgive your family, friends, and those around you, I promise you will experience more joy. 

I love and miss y'all,
Sister Morrill

1. Our investigator getting baptized this weekend! (She didn't want to take it off haha)
2. Southern eatin'
3. My district
4. President Grayson
5. Sister Whatcott!!!! Miss seeing her pretty face every day
6. ""
7. Sister Orton!
8. Kiara rocks my socks
8. Forgot to send from the MTC

1 comment:

  1. Love you! Looks like you are doing amazing things. We are praying for you. Love your thoughts on forgiveness.

