I'm emailing early because we're driving to Waynesboro to watch the Solar Eclipse with the rest of our district!
This week was one of those weeks where we met so many awesome people, I love these weeks. I'll tell you about four of them.
With the new schedule change, we have the flexibility to alter our planning to what works with our area and day. I'm thankful for that because my body is still asleep at at 6:30 AM, so sometimes we work out the last 30 min before bed. On Thursday we we did that and went to the park. Sister Blackburn is more of a nature spirit, so she sat by the pond while I ran around it on the track. I was half way finished when I noticed two people ahead of me struggling with a large blue bag. At first I thought it was a body, then a bag of mail, but as I got closer it looked like neither of the two. I asked if they needed help and to my surprise they said "Yes, we need a runner!!". (No one in the South ever agrees to help) So I ran over and the body/bag of mail was actually an instant blow up chair. The chair inflated with quick movement, so they asked me to run down the street with it haha! So I grabbed it by the opening and just started running around trying to fill it up. Yeah that definitely was not happening, but they appreciated my effort. One of the women commented, "Most people your age would have taken out their phone and recorded us while laughing!". That made me laugh, but also sad because we live in a world where people are quicker to point than to reach out their hand. The other woman recognized my name tag and asked me if I am with the Mormon church. She then told me she was in the church about 40 years ago when she lived in Arizona! It's so cool to see how God places people in our path.
On Saturday, Sister Blackburn and I did "Windows of Heaven". We pick a place and set aside a certain amount of time and promise the Lord we will speak with everyone He places in our path. We came across a man eating lunch with his daughter under a pavilion. We walked over and asked how he was doing, and he smiled so big and practically screamed, "Great! I've been saved!". I was under the impression he had been baptized earlier that day because of his reaction, but he said he had been saved 3 years ago! I was amazed, 3 years and he still carried that same light and joy. What a guy! It was so crazy too because he looked just like Jesus. I don't know for sure what Jesus looked like, but he looked like what I imagine Jesus to did. He has a deep testimony of Christ and we started to talk about the Book of Mormon when his friend pulled into the park. She walked over to us and began asking us questions about Mormons and then asked me to share my testimony. She was very touched and pointed out several things that stuck out to her. Then she shared her story and much like her friend, she also had an incredible testimony. She was so interested in learning more and both of them want to read the Book of Mormon! They have so much faith in Jesus Christ because of their past trials in life, but I really loved talking with them because I could physically see how grateful they are for Him. What I love most about their stories is how even after they overcame those challenges, they never lost sight in God. Oh they were so vibrant and knowledgeable, but still so curious! We can never learn enough about God!
Alma 32:16
15 Yea, he that truly humbleth himself, and repenteth of his sins, and endureth to the end , the same shall be blessed— yea, much more blessed than th ey who are compelled to be hum ble because of their exceeding poverty.
On a side note, this week was also full of animals. Every day we seemed to have some encounter. Some better than others.
We also had interviews last week and I started driving early! I'll be leading Swainsboro, so I am pumped about that!
I love y'all, have a safe and blessed week
Sister Morrill
p.s Ill be emailing on Tuesday next week
p.p.s Enjoy the eclipse, protect your eyes!!!
If you're wondering...... The parrot bit me, I mean look at his face
The animal shelter finally re opened!
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