Monday, September 18, 2017

I'm Expecting!

Hey y'all!

I hope your week has been peachy keen! This week I received the news that I'll be training for the upcoming transfer! I'm so excited! Here in the mission trainers are "moms", so I am switching roles with Sister Blackburn but having my own! Transfers are Tuesday, so for now I am staying in Macon.

We dropped Sister Blackburn off at the mission home and the Macon sisters picked me up on Sunday. It's been so much fun, Sister Anderson and Sister Rowland are awesome. Yesterday we taught two girls about the Book of Mormon and put them on date to be baptized! I'm so excited for them.

Yesterday at church, we had 3 investigators attend! One brought his sweet daughter too. We also had two less actives decide to come. One is very ill with cancer, but she knows where she wanted to be on Sunday. Her son drove her, and he learned about the Plan of Salvation during Gospel Principles class. The other less active is a nice man we met on Wednesday and the way we found him is amazing.

On Wednesday we had our day packed with plans, and it was P day. So we found out our P day would end at 1, then our evening appointment cancelled, our Relief Society meeting was rescheduled, and shortly after that our dinner appointment was cancelled too. We decided the Spirit was calling, so we prayed about where we were supposed to be. We headed to a place right before the border of our area. We had never been there before, so we parked and started walking. We eventually came across a man who joined the church in 2008! He hasn't been back in about 5 years, but expressed desire in returning. He remembers the missionaries who taught him and the core beliefs, but struggles with understanding the doctrine. He talked with us about his life and was very open about what he needs to work on and what he has been through. It was so cool though because he was so excited to see us! He said, "I know it is no coincidence that you are here, because last night I prayed to God. I told Him I need some help because I am headed down the wrong path". We invited him to come to dinner at a members house on Friday with us and he came! On Sunday the members picked him up for church!

Mosiah 26:20
"Thou art my servant; and I covenant with thee that thou shalt have eternal life; and thou shalt serve me and go forth in my name, and shalt gather together my sheep."

Aint no greater joy than bringing lost sheep home and building up God's kingdom!

On Thursday we had dinner with a couple that always gives us places to find service opportunities. After dinner we shared the 13 Articles of Faith with them and gave them a copy of the Book of Mormon and he promised to read it! She was raised Baptist but they are both Methodist now. It's cool though because he really loved one of the churches he went to because they had communion every Sunday. We go to church to remember our Savior and the Atoning sacrifice he made so we may be clean!! We invited him to come to church, and he said he would come sometime. They are seriously such a kind couple. We love them!

D&C 18:10
"Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;"

Every single child is precious in the eyes of God, and no mistake can ever diminish the value we are to him. Know your worth!!

I love y'all, have a blessed week!!
Sister Morrill

1. Trainer meeting
2. Cute kids in the Projects who ran over to us yelling "Jesus card!!"
3. So long,
4. Farwell!

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