Monday, October 2, 2017

Choose to Choose!

I trust y'all had a great week and a better weekend. I hope the spiritual high we received after watching General Conference carries throughout your week! If you're not sure what I am talking about, find out for yourself on! I'm so grateful for the knowledge I have gained through studying the gospel and teachings of our general authorities!
Always a great week here in Swainsboro! The weather is beginning to cool down, which means fall is approaching! I love fall for many reasons, but Halloween remains at the top of the list. I've always appreciated the concept of being able to choose to be anything we want for a night. I have not decided what I will be, maybe the senior Elder will let me borrow his name tag. Elder Lombardi is an absolute genius, I would be honored to be him for the night!
During conference I learned that we are the only church that associates "The fall" with a positive outlook. Adam fell, that men might be! Before I learned about the church, I blamed Adam and Eve for the bad situations and things we all face in life. "Well why did Adam have to eat the apple", right? One of the great restored truths we read in the Book of Mormon is that we actually have Adam to thank for our ability to choose. 

2 Nephi 2:22-25

"And now, behold, if Adam had not transgressed he would not have fallen, but he would have remained in the garden of Eden. And all things which were created must have remained in the same state in which they were after they were created; and they must have remained forever, and had no end.
And they would have had no childrenwherefore they would have remained in state of innocence, having no joyfor they knew no misery; doing no good, for they knew no sin.
But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things.
Adam fell that men might be; and men arethat they might have joy."

He paved the way for us to have the ability to choose between right and wrong for ourselves, with great power comes great responsibility. We can choose who we want to be 365 days of the year, not just on Halloween! Choose well! Earth is a preparatory stage to meet God, so now is the time to make mistakes, repent, and get it right!
One of our investigators came to watch General Conference and his wife joined him. They went home after and watched the second session. He had called us earlier that week and left us a motivational voicemail. He saw us knocking doors earlier that day haha. He knows there is pure love for our God and His children behind our desire to find people and help them draw closer to Christ! He is the coolest.

There were a lot of experiences I loved about this week, but the most note worthy one was on Wednesday. Normally when plans fall through, we just park, get out, and get to walking. That day, I didn't feel like any place was right. I knew we had to be somewhere and after several stops, many prayers, and a lot of pondering, I realized God wanted Sister Wall to have the opportunity to rely on the Spirit and trust her prompting. She chose someone who had met with missionaries in the past and we headed to "Winter St.". The GPS led us to Summer St, but there was someone we could visit there too so it worked out. Afterwards, she referred us to her sister across the street. We went to see her very ill sister and then went to her neighbors house. No one came to the door and it was getting late, so we headed toward the car. Sister Wall pointed at a home on our way back and said, "that one! We are going there and I am going to teach the whole Restoration and give them a Book of Mormon!". Ah! I loved it! She is so awesome.

A woman answered the door and asked us what we were selling. I told her "happiness", and then Sister Wall taught the whole Restoration and invited her to read and pray about the Book of Mormon! She also did that in arguably 3 minutes, simply teaching at its finest! The woman said, "wow, you two are good! I feel very happy. I am going to read this book!". I wanted to feel like a proud "mom", but I know that that was all her and the Holy Ghost.
"May you ever choose the harder right, than the easier wrong."
Jesus loves y'all and so do I! Have a blessed week!

Sister Morrill

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