Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Piece By Piece

Hey y'all!

I hope y'all enjoyed your Thanksgivin' and are starting to put your trees up! Sister Wall and I decorated last night!

This week was different, it seemed like either everyone had their family over or no one was home. I'm also a little sick right now, so I am trying to get better soon.

We had family home evening on Sunday night and our lesson was on the talk "What Lack I Yet?". I love the fact that we are all literally here on earth because we're trying to become something greater, like our Father in heaven! It's even cooler that all we have to do to get there, is ask Him what we need to work on and then actually work on it. That night I discovered three things that I can work on, but I also gained a new perspective about fear.

The man we are teaching is afraid to be baptized, because he doesn't know if he can commit to the change. Change is uncomfortable, but there is no growth in the comfort zone! That night I finally understood why he is afraid, because I was hesitant to ask Heavenly Father "What Lack I Yet". How could I be afraid to change, when I know the end point is more glorious than where I started? The answer I came to is one word, fueled by Satan... doubt. We can walk with faith or walk with doubt, chances are doubt is going to take us a whole lot longer to get where we want to be.

I felt I already knew what the answer would be, but to my surprise it was not even close. I was only looking at the end point, rather than the little things I could do that would lead me there. Heavenly Father doesn't expect any of us to be perfect tomorrow, that would be like planting a seed and expecting it to be a tree the following day. Instead, He provides the environment and tools necessary to nourish and strengthen our seed so one day at a time we can grow a little bit more.

After the lesson was over, we prayed and asked about something we are good at. The Spirit is just so wonderful to me. I am so grateful for our Father in heaven because He literally knows us each individually. He only gives us what we can handle, because He wants us to be successful! He knows how we can get there, and He wants to help us. 

I love y'all! Have a blessed week.
Sister Morrill

Helaman 5:7
"Therefore, my sons, would that ye should do that which is good, that it may be said of you, and also written, even as it has been said and written of them."

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Hey y'all!

I hope you're having a great week and have the opportunity to spend some extra time with your family for Thanksgiving!

I had an exciting week, two of the people we're teaching decided they want to be baptized! We are preparing for this weekend and next weekend. They're both so special to me because the spirit is so strong around them. I just feel so happy when they learn about the Gospel.

On Sunday, our branch had their Primary program! We have two children and they both are so awesome. One of our investigators was in tears, he said there is something so simple about children. Our other investigator said that she can't wait to have her own little child up there one day. I found it interesting how they both mentioned the way one of the speakers described the 10 commandments. She spoke on how they can be categorized into 4 groups: respect God, respect yourself, respect your parents, and respect your neighbors. It really is that simple. 

I am a firm believer that specific prayers get specific answers. When we humble ourselves enough to get on our knees and turn to heavenly Father, He will help us. He never leaves His children alone. One of the families we are teaching decided to give it a try. He told us he woke up the next morning with the thought, "forgive and you will forget", he wasn't sure why but he knew it was God. He just isn't so sure he can forgive himself, but I know through Christ he will find a way. Humility is our willingness to submit to the will of the Lord. 

"When the enemy inside is appeased, the enemy on the outside is appeased"

I had many opportunities this week to bear my testimony. We came across several people who question Joseph Smith. I am so grateful for Joseph Smith's faith because he was able to fulfill the will of the Lord. Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, but he was also just a man. Men are imperfect, but heavenly Father is not. My testimony is built on Jesus Christ and His Gospel. I do not know why people choose to do the things they do, but I understand why Jesus willingly atoned for us. I love Him, which is why I put my faith in Him. When we focus on the little things, we lose sight of what matters most. The values of the world are always changing, the only thing that has remained the same is Him. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 

Alma 7:23 
And now would that ye should be humbleand be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of Goat all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporalalways returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive.

On another note, our future missionary has been called to Houston, Texas! Yee-haw!!

I love y'all so much and I am so grateful for the support y'all give me. Enjoy y'alls food babies this week! Happy Thanksgiving :)

Sister Morrill

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

There is Power in His Authority

Hey y'all!

We had a wonderful week! The family that we are teaching is so awesome. The mother's boyfriend shared the answer he received after praying about the Priesthood! He told us he was studying in Psalms when he knew his preacher did not have the proper authority to baptize him. He was reading in 144 and realized that the only way to have the proper authority is to have been given it.
"8 Whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood.
11 Rid me, and deliver me from the hand of strange children, whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood:"

I  think it's cool how heavenly Father answers our prayers the way we need to hear them. He knows us all individually! Then he read in 145 and it talks about Saints speaking of the glory of His kingdom and talks about His power!
"11 They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power;  12 To make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom."  Seriously is that not the coolest? They want to be baptised, but she isnt sure if she is willing to marry him. She knows they need to change, and I know through Jesus Christ and His gospel.. they can! We taught they Word of Wisdom and what heavenly Father wants us to do to their whole family. The children put pictures on the poster and they hung it up. They have an ongoing joke in their home when someone is snacking too much, they say, "eat sparingly" haha!

On Sunday, another girl we are teaching came to church because her sister was giving a talk. The spirit was so strong all day and the coolest part was that she told us she wants her next lesson to be on covenants! My heart felt so happy. I've patiently waited since I met her for her to make the step. Learning and growing in the Gospel is something a person has to want to do for them self, but we never have to do it by our self! But that is the best part, she really does want to learn. There is a fine line between feeling like you have and actually wanting to, and most of her family joined a year ago and I know she really has changed because it was her choice.

On Saturday, I felt prompted to do something for a less active member. So yesterday we brought her a treat! After we left, she called us and said her mom would love to meet us. Her mom flew in Saturday from Utah and would be here until Sunday! We are having dinner with them tomorrow and I am so excited. The spirit is so cool.

"Spirituality is the consciousness of victory over self" 
- David O Mckay
We are all susceptable to sin and temptation. We have been given time on this beautiful earth to figure out how to overcome our weaknesses. We can literally do anything when we put our faith in Christ, because He paved the path when He overcame everything.

D&C: 42:40
"And again, thou shalt not be proud in thy heart; let all thy garments be plain, and their beauty the beauty of the work of thine own hands;"

I love y'all! Have a wonderful blessed week :)
Sister Morrill

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Grateful to be Blessed

Hey y'all!

Today marks my 5th month out!!

This week we had the coolest lesson! One of the families we are teaching has four children. Their mom said they're too bad to bring them to church, so she would try to come sometime without them. Well, church is for everyone and the gospel is a blessing for families! So, we taught their family about gratitude in hopes that the children would recognize how to be more respectful. We had them each list a couple of things they're grateful for and the sweet daughter said her momma! Sister Wall and I printed off pictures of our mom and talked about how thankful we are for ours too. We talked with them about how we can express our gratitude by being kind, helpful, and loving. We invited the children to do one thing every day to show they're thanks and at the end of the day if they report it to their mom then they get a sticker for their "hug" card. They were all so sweet and excited! We invited the eldest to give the closing prayer and there is just nothing like a child's prayer. He thanked heavenly father for his true church, his family, and "sending these church people to teach us more about God". I think that was a huge road mark for his mom, because she is not very comfortable with praying. She teared up and I could feel the love and spirit fill the whole room. 

We taught the Word of Wisdom to her and she couldn't believe we don't drink coffee or tea. We shared D&C 89 with her and she said she wants to try keeping the commandment! 

Her boyfriend has been praying to know if the Priesthood power is real. He has already been baptized twice, and doesn't want to be again if it isn't necessary. He called us and told us during his Bible study he received his answer! He is waiting until Wednesday so he can share it with us and his family!!

On Sunday they came to church and they looked like they were radiating with love. They missed Sacrament, because here most churches have Sunday school and then church. They felt sad, but they are excited for this Sunday! She is such an awesome mom, she really understands the importance of her family and wants to do the right thing. 

It never fails to amaze me how aware heavenly Father is of His children. He always provides us with comfort and I am so grateful for His unconditional love. On our way home from a neighboring town, we pulled aside to a house a little tucked behind the trees. We knocked on the door, but no one was home. Out of no where we looked behind us and ducks were flooding their front yard! I just love ducks so much, it's the little things in life. :) I love this gospel and all of y'all too!

3 Nephi 22:10
"For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee."

Count your blessin's y'all! 
Sister Morrill