Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Grateful to be Blessed

Hey y'all!

Today marks my 5th month out!!

This week we had the coolest lesson! One of the families we are teaching has four children. Their mom said they're too bad to bring them to church, so she would try to come sometime without them. Well, church is for everyone and the gospel is a blessing for families! So, we taught their family about gratitude in hopes that the children would recognize how to be more respectful. We had them each list a couple of things they're grateful for and the sweet daughter said her momma! Sister Wall and I printed off pictures of our mom and talked about how thankful we are for ours too. We talked with them about how we can express our gratitude by being kind, helpful, and loving. We invited the children to do one thing every day to show they're thanks and at the end of the day if they report it to their mom then they get a sticker for their "hug" card. They were all so sweet and excited! We invited the eldest to give the closing prayer and there is just nothing like a child's prayer. He thanked heavenly father for his true church, his family, and "sending these church people to teach us more about God". I think that was a huge road mark for his mom, because she is not very comfortable with praying. She teared up and I could feel the love and spirit fill the whole room. 

We taught the Word of Wisdom to her and she couldn't believe we don't drink coffee or tea. We shared D&C 89 with her and she said she wants to try keeping the commandment! 

Her boyfriend has been praying to know if the Priesthood power is real. He has already been baptized twice, and doesn't want to be again if it isn't necessary. He called us and told us during his Bible study he received his answer! He is waiting until Wednesday so he can share it with us and his family!!

On Sunday they came to church and they looked like they were radiating with love. They missed Sacrament, because here most churches have Sunday school and then church. They felt sad, but they are excited for this Sunday! She is such an awesome mom, she really understands the importance of her family and wants to do the right thing. 

It never fails to amaze me how aware heavenly Father is of His children. He always provides us with comfort and I am so grateful for His unconditional love. On our way home from a neighboring town, we pulled aside to a house a little tucked behind the trees. We knocked on the door, but no one was home. Out of no where we looked behind us and ducks were flooding their front yard! I just love ducks so much, it's the little things in life. :) I love this gospel and all of y'all too!

3 Nephi 22:10
"For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee."

Count your blessin's y'all! 
Sister Morrill

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