Thursday, August 30, 2018

Solid Ground on a Higher Plane

Hey y'all!

I hope y'all have had a happy week. 

We had a Mission tour with Elder & Sister Christensen and Elder & Sister Gerard, two of members of the 70 and their wives. We had a wonderful opportunity to hear each of their testimonies & enjoy the spiritual feast from the words they shared with us. I was struck with an overwhelming feeling of peace from the Spirit they brought with them. I admire each of them because they spoke from their heart to us. The compassion they expressed toward each other & our comments edified us & allowed the Holy Ghost to teach me. Another testimony builder to me of the importance of charity & unity. 

This morning we had a pretty cool experience. We were walking into Wal-Mart & I noticed this man staring at us. I felt slightly awkward, but Sister Stacey didn't seem to notice. As we got closer he turned the other way, but he kept looking back. He finally turned toward us so I smiled to acknowledge him. He squinted and walked toward us and it looked like he was trying to read my nametag. He said, "Are y'all Mormons?" I told him we are Latter-Day Saints. He then asked us if we have a book with us that he could have. Uh absolutely! He is from up North, but he shared with us that is boss is from Utah and some of the other men he works with. He told us they were talking about The Book of Mormon and he really wants to read it. It was amazing! Maybe it was just me, but I felt like he was talking really loud. I couldn't help but smile though, God always has such great timing & I was hoping his tone sprinkled that desire on someone else. 

His desire contributed to my appreciation to member missionary work, I'm so grateful for people who live the gospel and exemplify our Savior in their actions and boldy testify to their friends. I have a list of people to thank for being that example of love to me.

On Sunday, a recruit approached me and asked if she could talk to me. She asked me if I remembered her and our conversation last Sunday. She told me throughout the crucible, a rigorous course every marine must complete before graduating, our conversation replayed over and over in her head. We talked about the importance of praying with real intent. She told me that is what got her through, and she learned the difference it makes when she prays from the bottom of her heart. I felt pretty bad because I forgot we spoke, but I was very grateful she shared that with me. I fail to realize the impact each effort can have because I really don't always recognize the fruit of my service haha. But she was sweet & her gratitude toward me lifted my spirit!

This week someone we were teaching moved..... but we woke up to a text from  her saying she knows the Book of Mormon is true and wants to be baptized as well. We are so stoked for her!

God works everything out, key to our success is many things, one of which is trust. Learning who & how to do that is part of the journey. I'm grateful we have a God who is consistent, He always provides for those who turn to Him!

Mormon 9:8-11
"Behold I say unto you, he that denieth these things knoweth not the gospel of Christ; yea, he has not read the scriptures; if so, he does not understand them.

For do we not read that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and in him there is no variableness neither shadow of changing?

And now, if ye have imagined up unto yourselves a god who doth vary, and in whom there is shadow of changing, then have ye imagined up unto yourselves a god who is not a God of miracles.

But behold, I will show unto you a God of miracles, even the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; and it is that same God who created the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are."

Have a wonderful week y'all!
Sister Morrill

Friday, August 24, 2018

Still Stacey's Mom

Hey y'all!

I hope your week was full of love & light. Our week was far less destructive than last week!

We had transfers this week & Sister Stacey is stuck with me for at least 6 more weeks!!! She seriously rocks. I am so blessed every single day by her example of humility & obedience. 

On Sunday after Sacrament meeting on Parris Island, we have a short break for the recruits to go to their next class, fill their tanks, & use the head(bathroom). Sister Stacey & I were in the hallway when a girl approached us about several questions she had. We invited her to listen to our message, and she gladly accepted. We went into a room and shared the Restoration with her. When we shared the First Vision she said, "Wow I have never heard that before!" She read out of the Book of Mormon and I noticed her eyes reread the verse and it was very clear to me she was touched by the Spirit. We invited her to share some of her thoughts with us, and she said she felt a chill after reading. We told her that was the Holy Ghost, and the Spirits role is to testify of Jesus Christ & truth. She is so excited to read in the Book of Mormon. She had a beautiful light about her.

Sister Stacey & I biked over 21 miles yesterday to see a woman we are teaching(over 21 because I am directionally challenged & working on it). She is amazing, when we got there she shared with us that instead of going to musical night she felt she should stay home and meet with us. She seemed to be struggling, so we sat down & hoped our message would help her. We began sharing God's plan for each of us, and she asked us what makes Jesus Christ the only Begotten Son? I believed there was more behind her question, so I silently considered what lead her to ask. I asked her if she ever feels like heavenly Father has forsaken her. She opened up to us, and the Spirit was so strong. We shared what Christ experienced in the garden of Gethsemene and testified of Gods love and His gospel. My heart was so full, she is so wonderful.

I was pondering on charity and thought about the amount of love that Jesus Christ has for each of us. That is something I sincerely hope to one day fully comprehend. One instance that strengthens my testimony of His love is the way Joseph Smith describes his experience of the first vision. He says that heavenly Father & Jesus Christ appeared to him and called him by name. So rather than immediately answering his question, they first addressed him by name to express their pure love and validation of him. It does make all the difference to each of us when someone knows us by name. 

I love our Savior so much y'all, I am grateful for this short time I have to testify of Him and His gospel. Change begins with a desire, and if you don't have even the smallest desire you can pray for one. 

Moroni 10:3-5
"Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God."

I love y'all! Thanks for loving me :)
Have a happy week!
Sister Morrill

Thursday, August 16, 2018

One Mans Trash Is Another Mans Obstacle

Hey y'all! 

This week we had a lot crazy things happen, but to be brief, my personal favorite included me biking into a large black trash can right next to a 3 way intersection! I was striped of my pride very quickly.

On a more uplifting note, we met a girl the Elders had referred us to who goes to school in New York. She came back home for a couple of things, but she didn't have anywhere to go and she felt she should ask her ex-boyfriends mom if she could stay with her while she is here. The Elders were delivering a Bible to her neighbor, who was not home, which led them to her instead. We went by to teach her and she was so radiant and full of questions! We went back to share the message of the Restoration, and she asked us if God ever makes mistakes. That was an interesting question that drove my studies this morning. If God is perfect, he can't make mistakes right?

I wonder how often we misunderstand the big picture when things do not work out the way we feel they should. Perhaps maybe the mistakes we make, helps shape and refine others? Maybe that is my optimistic way to view things, but we can't mess up God's perfect plan for each of us. I thought about when Jesus Christ was on the earth, He chose 12 Apostles and gave them His power and authority to carry out His gospel throughout the world. I think to be one of those 12 chosen men, they would have to be striving to be very meek. However, 1 of those men betrayed Christ, and even before Jesus was betrayed He knew that Judas had sold Him for money. In the end, Christ was slain and crucified and completed the Atonement fulfilling His whole purpose in coming to earth. 

 God has a greater plan for each of us & every single one of us is capable of becoming more than who we are today! I love y'all and hope each of you have wonderful experiences this week :)

 Remember, y'all are children of God!

Sister Morrill

Romans 8:6
For to be carnally minded is deathbut to be spiritually minded is life and peace."

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

And We're Biking

Hey y'all!

This week was awesome! We ended up driving more than we anticipated, so now we are the bike Sisters haha. Thankfully the Elders let us borrow their bikes. But I am a firm believer that biking missionaries are more effective anyway, so I'm counting my blessings!

We had an amazing appointment yesterday that I want to share with y'all, but first I'll share a personal experience.

On Saturday night after a long day of driving (from Savannah to Macon to Beaufort), we got home just in time to get ready for bed haha. I had studied a little bit at 5:30 that morning, but I am not as spiritually strong without my personal study time. So I knelt down and asked heavenly Father to strengthen my testimony of Joseph Smith being called of God. I was reading in My Search for Happiness & it occurred to me what kept Joseph Smith searching for truth.

"A serious, thoughtful boy with a profound spiritual nature, he listened to the respective ministers and sorted out the truth as best he could. At first he was inclined to follow his father and Alvin into the Methodist church. But then he would hear the Presbyterian minister attack the Methodist, and his confidence in the Methodist with wavered. Then the Baptist minister would convince him that the Presbyterian minister was in error. And then a revivalist preacher would visit and persuade him that everyone-except himself- was wrong."

What occurred to me is that he was honestly searching for answers and people continued to tell him what isn't right. Truth doesn't have to be defended, it will defend itself & I believe they fueled Joseph's desire to know even more than when he began. After reading James 1:5, he realized he should turn to God and he did & decided to ask Him instead. I love that so much! Man's wisdom doesn't compare to He who's an all knowing being. Haha it was awesome! Specific questions get specific answers y'all!

So yesterday we had plans to teach the woman we have been meeting with for several weeks. She really is so awesome, and we were able to have a recent convert meet us at the church. We had plans to discuss Family History and Temples, but we ended up discussing reformers and the Restoration. We watched the Restoration and she really opened up so much, probably because the member is so awesome. She related to Joseph because she had gone from church to church for a while looking for what felt right as well. She mentioned that the ultimate sign it was wrong was that each church she went to was attacking someone else and it turned her away. She made the comment that she has noticed we do not talk about other religions or people that way and she loves that. Oh it made my heart so happy :)

We came across a boy on Sunday night who was outside and as we were walking down the street he went inside. We knocked on his door and he asked us who we are, we told him we are representatives of Jesus Christ and he said "Oh! I thought y'all were the Mormons. They always come around here." Haha we told him that is still us, that is our nickname because we read out of the Book of Mormon. Then he asked us to tell us about what we believe and then he asked if it was okay if he sat down and I honestly have never had someone so interested at a door approach. He wanted a copy of the Book of Mormon and we have plans to see him again on Thursday!

Mosiah 2:41
"And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual"

I apologize for sending a weekly last week, I love y'all & hope you have a happy week :)
Sister Morrill