Thursday, August 16, 2018

One Mans Trash Is Another Mans Obstacle

Hey y'all! 

This week we had a lot crazy things happen, but to be brief, my personal favorite included me biking into a large black trash can right next to a 3 way intersection! I was striped of my pride very quickly.

On a more uplifting note, we met a girl the Elders had referred us to who goes to school in New York. She came back home for a couple of things, but she didn't have anywhere to go and she felt she should ask her ex-boyfriends mom if she could stay with her while she is here. The Elders were delivering a Bible to her neighbor, who was not home, which led them to her instead. We went by to teach her and she was so radiant and full of questions! We went back to share the message of the Restoration, and she asked us if God ever makes mistakes. That was an interesting question that drove my studies this morning. If God is perfect, he can't make mistakes right?

I wonder how often we misunderstand the big picture when things do not work out the way we feel they should. Perhaps maybe the mistakes we make, helps shape and refine others? Maybe that is my optimistic way to view things, but we can't mess up God's perfect plan for each of us. I thought about when Jesus Christ was on the earth, He chose 12 Apostles and gave them His power and authority to carry out His gospel throughout the world. I think to be one of those 12 chosen men, they would have to be striving to be very meek. However, 1 of those men betrayed Christ, and even before Jesus was betrayed He knew that Judas had sold Him for money. In the end, Christ was slain and crucified and completed the Atonement fulfilling His whole purpose in coming to earth. 

 God has a greater plan for each of us & every single one of us is capable of becoming more than who we are today! I love y'all and hope each of you have wonderful experiences this week :)

 Remember, y'all are children of God!

Sister Morrill

Romans 8:6
For to be carnally minded is deathbut to be spiritually minded is life and peace."

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