Happy Monday!!!
Our preparation day has been moved back to Monday. Next week should be my last week of emailing on Tuesday!
I hope y'all enjoyed your weekend! The weather here is beginning to feel like fall :) Breezy & cool, just how I like it!
As you may know, President Nelson invited women everywhere to read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year in Women's conference. When he first invited us I honestly excused myself from the deadline because as a missionary, I have even less time than an individual who is permitted to study at their own leisure. I have since repented from my poor justification haha, especially considering he promised that God will help those who accept the invitation. As with every invitation from God or his servants, he extended a promised blessing which admittedly is what softened my heart and persudaded me.
President Russel M Nelson:
"I invite you to read the Book of Mormon between now and the end of the year. As impossible as that may seem with all you are trying to manage in your life, if you will accept this invitation with full purpose of heart, the Lord will help you find a way to achieve it. And, as you prayerfully study, I promise that the heavens will open for you. The Lord will bless you with increased inspiration and revelation."
There is no greater promise to me than direct & personal guidance from our heavenly Father, who knows what we need! My testimony has since strengthened, I know that God lives and speaks to us through a modern day prophet who leads and guides Jesus Christ's true church. This gospel is the way for lasting healing in both soul and body! Ours is the privilege of learning to let Him heal us.
We taught Cori about the Restoration on Saturday and I felt like we were teaching the lesson rather than her. As we were about to share the First Vision, their doorbell rang and it was Juliet! My first thought was how the adversary always seeks to interrupt, but when both Cori & her mom got up I took it as a tender mercy from God. I turned to Sister Stacey & asked her if she felt like we were really teaching to Cori's needs, she didn't feel we were & asked what we should do different. I was not sure haha, but God has a fine reputation of guiding us. All I could think to respond was, "follow the Spirit" and when Cori sat back down I thought about the purpose of our message. We want her to feel the blessing of a modern day prophet. I remembered the invitation President Nelson extended to us from Saturday night and felt we should share it with her. I noticed her eyes really focus as we shared his additional invitation.
"As you read, I would encourage you to mark each verse that speaks of or refers to the Savior. Then, be intentional about talking of Christ, rejoicing in Christ, and preaching of Christ with your families and friends. You and they will be drawn closer to the Savior through this process. And changes, even miracles, will begin to happen."
We boar testimony and shared how important family is to us! We testified of God's capability to do anything & as we excercise faith in Him, He will keep His promise to us. I don't know what miracles God has awaiting, but I do know I love my family with my whole heart & He will bless them through my commitment to Him. She seemed to sit a little taller in her chair and said, "I am going to do that too!". She caught us off gaurd! Haha, this is a girl with pure desire & heart. I noticed her mom teared up, I felt the Spirit testify to me the power of love in a home. She ran upstairs and grabbed a clean copy of the Book of Mormon to begin highlighting, so we invited her to begin that night! She is awesome!
I am excited to report that only through the grace of God I am up to Mosiah chapter 4 as of this morning :)
One more highlight of our week occured at the home of a woman named Michelle. She has previously been taught by Elders, but wanted women to teach her. When we came she mentioned she wants to feel greater peace in the world, we promised her the peace she is searching for can be found as she reads in the Book of Mormon. We began to share our message with her and she abruptly stood up and walked to her front step just outside of her home. She was then standing directly across from where we were sitting. She reached her hand in her pocket and pulled out a cigarrette, flicked her thumb across her lighter, and took a deep inhale. I felt sad. I thought about how uncomfortable unrighteous motives feel in the presence of holier subjects. She has her agency, but I wondered how God could change the atmosphere & rid her of her desire to smoke. I thought about how the understanding of our identity can change a person. Individuals who understand their infinite value and worth, as children of God, seem to aspire to a more righteous & clean life. We stood up and asked if we could sing to her! She agreed and lowered her hand to listen and as we sang not once did she raise it back up to her mouth. The Spirit was so strong! We sang I Am a Child of God to her. When we finished, she touched the lit end of the cigarette to her railing and tossed the remains over the edge. What a blessing!
I love God! I am grateful to be a messenger of His holy work. I know He loves y'all, it is no wonder He blesses me with such incredible miracles to share. :)
Thanks for supporting & loving me!
Mosiah 3:17
"17 And moreover, I say unto you, that there shall be no other name given nor any other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent"
Have a happy week y'all!
Sister Morrill
Ps. Please enjoy this picture of Sister Stacey & I during our hurricane lockdown until 4pm on Thursday :D