Monday, October 29, 2018

Doubt Your Doubts Before Your Faith!!

Hey yall!

I apologize, I mentioned in my last email that I would email tomorrow but I actually had my weeks mixed up. I will be emailing NEXT Tuesday!

I hope y'all enjoyed your week :)

This week God blessed Sister Stacey and I to recognize the importance of fellowship! The Beaufort Ward is incredible, the members are so quick to lend a hand and express their love :) Fellowship is so important because everything is better with good company! Cori is 10 and we were praying for a family to fellowship her and her family. We realized there is a family who lives literally a street right behind them who are awesome! Seriously y'all they read in Preach My Gospel every night as a family! We asked their mom to teach her with us 2 weeks ago. After we arrived we introduced her, but we found out she took it upon herself to walk over several days before our appointment to meet them. I love when people go out of their way to give more than what was asked!

We had plans to see Cori on Saturday at their home, but the mom realized she had a scounting event until 8 Pm that night! So we asked several other members if they could join us and for one reason or another, every single person was busy! We figured that if God needed us to be there, He would provide a way! After discovering just about everyone was unnavailible we decided to go see her alone and try again the next time. 
So Cori lives on a military base here with tight knit security. After several weeks of consistently going there, most of the gaurds recognize us and let us go past. Worst casenario, Cori's mom is always willing to sponsor us on if we have any trouble.. but she went out of town earlier that day for about a week. Sister Stacey and I assumed (assumption was our first mistake) tonight would probably be no different, so when we got there we quickly discovered a gaurd we had not yet met. Aaaaand the road blocks continued on. Y'all sometimes things are beyond our control and we just have to hope for the best. And the best we hoped for! But our hope only led us to the side of the entrance gate to wait. Well there is no greater power than God, so we turned to Him for further guidance.
After turning our will over to His (because I was willing & ready to try to convince this man to let us on) oddly, I felt very peaceful about what was about to happen. I still am not sure why, but the reassurance I felt trumpted the stress I was feeling. I trust that was God because shortly after that the man walked over and said he couldnt let us on :( We told him we understand and drove back. I wanted to feel frustrated, but the peace I felt lingered in my heart. We were concerned about Cori waiting for us, so we texted the mom who lives behind her and asked if she could walk over and invite Cori to church with them. All we know is the next day Cori had a huge smile on her face as she walked into Sacrament with their family.

I love principles and reason as much as the next logical individual, but I believe if we were created to understand everything immediately we would be deprived the blessing of learning. Learning how to trust people is difficult, but learning how to trust people with God is much easier.

Ether 12:6
"And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith"

Via con Dios (Go with God)
Sister Morrill

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