Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Curiosity Lead The Cat ;)

Hey y'all!

I hope each of you feasted on the words of modern day Prophets & Apostles at General Conference!! I certainly did and I am stoked about the changes unfolding in The Church. I believe centering gospel teaching in homes is critical for individual growth and strengthening families :)

On Wednesday morning we went to a card making activity with the Relief Society. We were expecting to meet a woman we are teaching there, but to our surprise she was already inside with everyone else. She was so interactive, we didn't have a chance to talk with her haha! On our way out, I felt prompted to share an experience we had the previous night. Which I want to share with y'all too, because the humility of a 10 year old girl inspired me to become more meek.

On Tuesday night last week, we went over to Cori's with intentions to teach her about prophets. As we went in we noticed a new face. Cori's neighbor friend Juliet was over and decided to stay because she wanted to learn with us. We invited the Spirit with a prayer and encouraged them to be open about any questions they have. We asked them if there was a prophet on the earth today, would they want to know? Juliet immediately responded, "I believe there is a prophet". Her knowledge of the role of a prophet impressed me, so we asked her what she would want to ask the prophet if she met him. She said, "I would ask him how I could know when God is talking to me". Seriously y'all, I looked at this sweet girl and felt God's love for her consume me. We invited her to listen to the current prophet this weekend with that question in mind. She also asked if it was bad to pray for "bad" people. I was processing her question when she began sharing the concern she has for her uncle. She said he has been to jail but she still has hope for him. It reminded me of Enos, a wicked son of a righteous man. His father taught him the right way growing up, but Enos rebelled. Eventually Enos's heart softened, and because of his father's dilligent teaching (and I imagine consistent plead with God) he became a righteous man :) She also asked if it was heavenly Father or Jesus Christ who died on the cross. Her questions were so simple. I shared with Cori's mom how often I supress simple questions because I feel I should know the answer. She laughed and agreeingly nodded. No wonder God commands us to be like children.

So we shared this experience with the women at the card activity and invited each of them to come to conference with a specific question. Afterward I realized why God wanted me to share that. The woman we teach does not ask us questions and she prefers us not to ask her questions either. Her responses differ from "yes, no, I dont know, mmm maybe" haha. We have been trying to figure out how she learns for quite some time. The following day, we had an appointment with her at 3:30 and she welcomed us in. The first question she asked was if we believe in Christening children. My heart was so happy because she felt comfortable enough to ask a question! We turned to the Book of Mormon to answer her question and read Moroni 8 with her. Last week, she told us she fell asleep during General Conference in April because it bored her, but we encouraged her to come again anyway. She politely declined, but on Saturday afternoon she texted us and asked us what the difference between the morning and evening session is! She even watched it from home!!! 

Much like Juliet, I too have hope for everyone. I know it was the love and hope others expressed for me that helped me recognize the love our heavenly Father has for each of us.

Jacob 2:8
"And it supposeth me that they have come up hither to hear the pleasing word of God, yea, the word which healeth the wounded soul."

I love y'all! I hope you recieved further instruction on how you can improve & feel Gods love throughout your week as you apply it :)
Sister Morrill

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