Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Miracles of Training

Hey y'all!

This week was wonderful & full of miracles! Sister Smith is so awesome & dedicated to hard work. I'm so grateful for the fire she has brought into the mission and entrusted to train her. 

Our goal last week was for her to invite someone to be baptized. We has 3 set appointments with some awesome children of God. Unfortunately, 2 of them fell through and we had about 15 minutes before we needed to be at our next appointment. We decided to try several houses beforehand. The first house we knocked had a small dog out front with the teeth & attitude of a lion. Oh my heck, the owner even came outside and apologized but told us she just put him out to do laundry and then she headed back in. As we were walking back, we both felt really good about the house across the street. There was a tall man standing on his driveway, as we walked up we realized he was talking to someome on his phone. We waved and embraced the awkward moments before he hung up. We introduced ourselves and began talking about the importance of our message and how it can help us improve the quality of our lives. He said "I'm listening", haha!  We began to share the Restoration and he listened so intently. We shared Joseph Smith's first vision with him and he said "I know that is true!" We invited him to read and pray about the pamphlet we left with him and he committed himself to read it, he was so awesome. We were able to deliver a Book of Mormon to him two days after as well! 

So on Saturday, Sister Smith still had not had the opportunity to invite someone to baptism, so after a day of knocking I asked her if she will enter a covenant with God and invite the next woman we met to be baptized. She said she would! So we were walking back to the car to go visit someone. On the way over we had passed a large group of people sitting on their lawn, but continued to drive. The woman we came to see was not home so we walked over to the yard full of people. The Lord is so aware of us. I recognized one of them because we had previously taught her. The woman we were looking for was actually inside of their home, but avoiding us. Sister Smith wanted to share a message with the group, I was so moved by her dedication and desire so I pulled up two chairs and Sister Smith began to share the Book of Mormon. One of the women asked a few questions, and told us she used to meet with missionaries in Atlanta! They lost contact and she has not seen them in her neighborhood since. We got her contact information and sent it to the missionaries who are currently serving where she lives. As we finished, Sister Smith invited her to baptized as she came to know for herself the Book of Mormon is true!!! She said yes! Little tender mercies :)

On Sunday, we went out after church. Our plans for the day fell through, so we prayed for direction as to where God wanted us to spend our evening and we were led to an apartment complex. The first door we knocked on was a little woman who invited us in right away because it was raining. We talked to her about the importance of our message and she asked us to share it with her. So we sat down, prayed, and taught the message of the Restoration and shared the first vision with her as well! It was so amazing, we asked her to pray about the message we shared and to ask God if Joseph Smith was a prophet so that she may know for herself. Seriously as soon as we invited her she closed her eyes and began to pray! Her Faith is inspiring, she joined her husband's church about a year ago but wants to better understand the Bible when she reads. 

We have been focusing on the importance of specific prayers, as a district (us and the surrounding 3 sets of missionaries) in just one week we have 6 people on date! Y'all specific prayers get specific answers! I promise you that. The Lord loves to hear from us. Take the time to talk to Him, and you may be surprised what He has to say to you. 

Jacob 7
"22 Now, this thing was pleasing unto me, Jacob, for I had requested it of my Father who was in heaven; for he had heard my cry and answered my prayer.
23 And it came to pass that peace and the love of God was restored again among the people; and they searched the scriptures, and hearkened no more to the words of this wicked man"

I love y'all so much! Have a blessed week :)
Sister Morrill

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