Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Can You Hear It?

Hey y'all

I hope y'all had a lovely week! Hopefully this year the Leprachaun left you something nice or decided to clean up your entire home. After all, we can all change through the Atonement of Jesus Christ ;)

On Saturday, we had plans to go to Hawkinsville. We planned on dedicating 2 hours to the Lord in one spot, but on our drive there we realized we were driving without a specific destination in mind. We were listening to a missionary rap song a past missionary wrote (it is awesome) and sort of expected inspiration to just come to us. I realized I couldn't hear the still small voice over our music and we had not yet asked God where He wanted us to be. So I pulled over and turned off the music and we prayed. Something so simple it's incredible we even forgot. We continued to drive until we felt good about a place to pull over. We decided on a little dirt road off to the side. As we walked up to the little trailer, a woman came out. She knew exactly who we were. She told us the Elders had just came yesterday! She actually has been to our church before and knows 2 of the members.

We drove home after that and dedicated the two hours to a nearby neighborhood. We met some people on the way and shared the message of the Restoration and it just never fails to amaze me to see the light that shines from people when they recognize truth. I love It! But anyway, when we got to the first house in the neighborhood a girl answered, she was babysitting. She had just moved from a town over yonder 2 days prior and her sister asked her if she would watch the children in her place. She had never met the family before then, but God always puts us where we need to be with who we need to see when we seek Him first. She also used to have an LDS roommate, who shared a little bit with her. 

We ran into several people this week who told us the Elders came by the day before haha, I love the see the way the spirit works through unity. It feels good to be in tune with the Holy Ghost!

I thought about the Holy Ghost a lot during church this week, I decided a small sacrifice I can give to be more spiritually sound is music. We are limited to what we are asked to listen to, but we have the privledge to choose for ourselves. Sometimes it's not just the lyrics we listen to, but the tempo and beat can also disrupt our spiritual sensitivity. 

Galatians 5
"22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
24 And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another."

I love all y'all beautiful imperfect children of our loving heavenly Father. Have a blessed week :)

Sister Morrill 
Here are some pictures, sorry I neglected y'all last week. The picture of a dog is from Saturday, it followed us around all day long. We called him "dirty marshmallow". 

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