Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Every Member A Missionary


I hope y'all had a great week and are preparing for Easter and General Conference this weekend! What a privilege we have to hear inspired messages and receive revelation from God.

On Thursday afternoon we tracked on a back dirt road which turned out to contain very few houses, majority of them being vacant. We felt like God wanted us to be there though and I always love an opportunity to exercise our Faith! We kept going and eventually we came across a man who used to be active in the gospel. We asked him if he knew anyone who would benefit from our message and he referred us to a woman who recently had a death in her family. He didn't have an exact address, so he kind of described how to get there and gave us her name. After we left his home, we realized if we didn't head back to Cochran we would be late for our dinner appointment. So we planned to go visit her home on Sunday and considered which member might be able to come with us after church. 

On Saturday a member had us over for lunch with her and her mom. We asked her if she could come out with us on Sunday. She is always willing to teach with us, and lucky for us she was available! She is wonderful because she is so bold, outgoing, and sticks to the gospel principles. We love her. 

On Sunday she picked us up after lunch and drove us to our referral. We quickly discovered the visual instructions we received were not as simple as we had hoped. We ended up at a home that seemed like it could have been it, so we got out and knocked. The typical response to that here in the South is "Come on in" and we usually wait outside and tell them who we are first. But our member just walked on in and struck up a conversation about all of the pictures on their wall completely causal. An older couple lives there, Felton and Martha. They started talking about family history and honestly I was confused as to whether they were kin or not. Could have fooled me! After they talked, our member told them the missionaries have a message we want to share with them. Haha seriously y'all this member rocks, she threw us right under the bus which is why it pays to always be prepared!

We all sat down and we taught them the message of the Restoration. Felton said that he was literally just asking Martha why there are so many churches and our message makes sense. They both were so excited to learn more and they asked for a copy of the Book of Mormon! So we planned to bring it by the following day at 2.

We brought it by yesterday right on time and she mentioned she appreciated us coming back when we said. We shared with them the history of where the Book of Mormon came from and after we finished she understood it is not another version of the Holy Bible, but another testament. A companion scripture to the Holy Bible :) she is so excited to read it, she loves Jesus Christ. Felton doesn't love reading as much as Martha, but he said he would try! 

They are so awesome y'all, she even asked if we would be willing to visit her daughter and son in law! Heck yeah! We all need the gospel in our lives!

Anyways, this week was a huge reminder to me of the importance of member missionaries. We are all disciples of Christ, go share the good news with your neighbor and be friendly! All of God's children are important to Him, so they're important to us. 

Happy Easter!

1 Samuel 16:7
But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearancebut the Lord looketh on the heart.

Have a blessed week!
Sister Morrill 

We visited a family after taking these and they told us they watched from their window, they were wondering what we were doing. Haha-- I tried 

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