Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Gospel Of Jesus Christ: a recipe for success

Hey y'all! 

I hope last week was enjoyable and life is peachy! 

This week Sister Smith and I were able to experience repentance with a couple, faith with each other, baptism with the Lord Family, the Holy Ghost, and we are in the midst of enduring!

A non-member challenged us to a cheese cake bake off, so we accepted his challenge and planned to use our preparation day last week to bake it. However, as missionaries we are limited on time, funds, & recipes... We decided to take a short cut & buy a fresh premade cake from the grocery store. We threw some semi-sweet chocolate chips on it, put it in a different container, and waaaala. Later we headed over to their home & placed the cheesecake on the table. "Ours" looked perfect (too perfect) especially next to his slightly burnt cake. She was amazed at the appearance of it and I heard him say, "that looks store bought" under his breath. I felt extremely awkward because I knew, and I knew that he knew.. but we proceeded on. She drove us to 3 different houses for the families to judge which cake they liked best. She kept telling everyone we made this cake. Our guilt & shame progressively increased as we identified a loop hole to every question we received, so we weren't technically lying. The most awkward & terrible I felt was when someone asked us how we made ours, we said "uh we just refrigerated it". We got back into the car to go home to report the results to her husband & as we got in we told her the truth. She was disappointed yet amused and when we got back her husband laughed so hard. We were sad because we did not really mean for it to go that far (people never do) but we decieved her! But they really are so special & important to us, we felt like we betrayed their trust. We went back to each house we had been to & confessed. They all laughed at us too, which made us even more sad. SIN FEELS GROSS Y'ALL! We did end up making them a home made cheesecake... which ended up more like soup but it was soup made with love! 

"Choose the harder right, than the easier wrong" -Thomas S Monson

This week I asked Sister Smith how she feels about shortening. She explained she didn't really know what shortening is and suggested chicken stock. I waited as I watched her struggle trying to figure it out. She jumped up and said, "Why aren't you helping me????" I said "because you did not ask". It was so funny, we thought about how often Heavenly Father feels that way.

This weekend we were able to attend the Dublin Elders baptism, Nancy Lord & her 3 children! The sight of a family being baptised filled my heart :) not to mention their last name is Lord, we were so excited for the Lord's baptism!! Haha
On Saturday we decided to begin our fast after lunch. On Sunday, a less active member came to church and signed up to feed us as soon as church ended. We were grateful for the timing, but hesitant to go because we did not have anything planned to teach her. We prayed about it and decided to go with a video in mind that we could talk about. We ended up discussing the blessings and importance of tithing. We are going to begin teaching her and plan to help her go through the Temple! 

Hebrews 11
25 Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season
39 And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:
40 God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect
I love y'all! Have a blessed & Christ centered week :)
Sister Morrill

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