Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Adios Emanuel County, Hello Cochran!

Hey y'all!

This week was so much fun! We traveled to Macon for the weekend because Elder Stevenson was going to come, but due to mother nature he couldn't make it. I was pumped for him to come though because his analogies and perspective on the concepts of the gospel are just beautiful and so well understood. He gave the "Spiritual Eclipse" talk at the last General Conference. But, we ended up staying in Macon anyway with four other sisters at a members home! It was a lot of fun, and we had a small mission meeting for the missionaries who had already traveled there. Later that night we had transfer calls, so I am now in Cochran! Cochran gets the nickname of "Zion", because there are so many members in this small town. My new companions name is Sister Felt and I am excited to serve here with her. She has been out for 14 months and is from Rexburg, Idaho. I have been avoiding all thoughts of leaving Swainsboro by convincing myself that I will be back here next Christmas! I love Swainsboro with my whole heart and all of the people I have met. There is a special spirit that dwells there and I am grateful to have been able to be part of it! 

I really came to understand the influence and power of example while I served in Emanuel County. People are always watching, we notice the things people do because its our human nature to be aware of our surroundings. We learn best by observing! So the better example we are, the better impact we will leave. Whether we realize it or not, the people we choose to surround ourselves with will influence the person we become. So I guess that just leaves us with the decision of who we want to be. 

I mean look at our greatest example, Jesus Christ. He is perfect! And because of His willingness to do our heavenly Fathers will, He has changed every single one of our lives. Which is why I am a firm believer that there is most definitely hope for every single person in this world. I am eternally grateful for Jesus Christ's obedience, love, and gospel. His teachings are a blessing in my life :) 

I love y'all! I hope you have a wonderful and spiritual week! 12 days until Christmas!!

Sister Morrill

2 Corinthians 10:7,11
"Do ye look on things after thoutward appearanceIf any man trust to himself that he is Christ’s, let him of himself think this again, that, as he is Christ’s, even so arewe Christ’s.
Let such an one think this, that, such as we are in word by letters when we are absent, such will we be also in deed whewe are present."

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