Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Knowledge is Power!

Hey y'all!

I hope y'all had a wonderful week! 

Yesterday we met a lady at an apartment complex, and she was so cool! She was brought up in a religious home, her mom is a Jehovah's witness and her dad is a Baptist. She was so excited after we shared the Restoration with her, because she didnt think there was actually anything new that she hadnt already heard before. She was raised with her mom, so she grew up attending church with her. After she moved out, she mentioned she strayed away from religion because it was never something she did for herself. Then she told us that lately she has been feeling like something is missing from her life, and she was considering going back to church so it was interesting how we showed up. When we asked her what she hopes to gain from learning more about our message, she said she wants to have peace of mind and to learn more about our Savior.

I just love that so much! Our Savior is so wonderful and His gospel is seriously so cool! No day here has been quite like another. I think the only consistency is my desire to understand His gospel. I seriously love it so much, I just learn so much when I study and knowledge is power! I feel so much peace and joy when I read it and I get so excited to share what I learn.

I studied in Revelations because I wanted to learn about the previous 6 folds, since we are in the 7th. It is so interesting to me! The first fold began with Adam, then Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ, and now Joseph Smith. Joseph being the prophet of the last dispensation. I'm just fascinated with the concept of the way history repeats itself. Every ending of the previous dispensations had occured because all of the people became wicked and the rejected the prophet and his teachings. The people before Noah were so wicked, they were literally washed off the earth. Lucky for us, no matter how wicked we become, His gospel is here to stay! The Second coming is close and we're commanded to study scripture, so we can understand the things we need to do in order to obtain righteousness and carry out God's work.

We also met a man who told us he wasn't interested. I felt very confused considering we had not even said anything to him yet. We kind of just stood there for a minute, and then I asked him what he was not interested in. We stood there another minute and I think he was confused too. He asked if we were Jehovah's witnesses, so we told him we represent the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He invited us back! That was cool to me, very humbling. I love questions because they help me understand others perspectives. We can't know until we ask!

I love y'all, have a happy & blessed week!
Sister Morrill
Revelation 14:6
"And saw another angel fly ithe midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nationand kindred, and tongue, and people"

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