Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Merry CHRISTmas

Hey y'all!

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to the New Year! I don't have too much time so I just want to share a quick story from my week. 

We visited an investigator who has been taught by Sister missionaries for several years now. She is in high school and I think she is just so awesome. She has a testimony and knows the Book of Mormon is the word of God, the Sisters even used to have her teach them! Haha because a good way to see how well someone understands something is to have them explain it them self. So we went over to teach her, and we began with a prayer to invite the spirit. We taught her the Restoration, and we invited her to pray about something she can do to be able to gain permission to be baptized. She is in a situation where she needs permission from her great aunt, but I know that as long as we do everything we can on our end and go on with faith.. Heavenly Father will always provide a way to help us. We ended with a prayer and before we left she said, "The sisters who began teaching my always prayed in the beginning and at the end of our lesson. I didn't realize how much I missed that. After a while it kind of stopped... and now you come along and I just really like when we pray before". My whole heart just filled with love because I just love the spirit so much. 

I just thought that was sweet and I love that she could recognize the power of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is how we learn and we can't teach without it! The Spirit is SO important!! Prayer is the greatest tool we have to speak to our Father in heaven, so we really do gain so much faith when we use it. 

I am grateful I was able to see my family yesterday, and for those I did not get to see.. thank you all for the Christmas love you sent me! I appreciate it, and I love y'all so much! Have a blessed week.
Sister Morrill

Alma 26:12
"Yea, know that am nothingas to my strength am weak; therefore will not boast of myself, but will boast of mGod, for in his strength I can do all thingsyea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for whicwe will praise his name forever."

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