Monday, January 29, 2018

He Lives!

Hey y'all!

I hope your week was peachy!

This week was interesting, as they all are. Sister Felt and I went tracting and we came across this man who came outside and shared his story with us. He was so curious about how we knew about God's plan for us. He asked us where the information we shared was in the Bible, so we shared a scripture and then his wife came home. They invited us in and placed one chair in front of their couch and asked me to sit down. We began to share our message with them and they were listening pretty intently. They would ask where in the Bible it said that, so we directed them and then we would move on to the next point. After we finished they began to share with us things that they have read about our religion, and we just boar testimony of Jesus Christ. I am not entirely sure what their intentions were when they invited us in, but they were very kind. We prayed and then stood up to leave, as we were walking out Sister Felt commented on their piano. The wife asked her if she cared to play a song. She looked at me like she was unsure, but I wasn't! Sister Felt plays the piano beautifully and literally has the voice of an angel. She sat down and contemplated which song she would do. She decided and began to sing and play, "I know that my Redeemer Lives". The entire atmosphere shifted and the wife moved to the side of the piano to watch. We all had tears in our eyes, I just felt so much peace and joy. They asked us to come back and see them and she invited Sister Felt to her piano whenever she wanted. Haha it was pretty cool, we brought them a dessert someone gave us the following day. 

On Saturday, we invited a woman who has known missionaries for about 10 years now to come to church. Sister Felt was playing the piano for someone and we wanted her to come hear her play! She was more than glad to come, but called us the morning of and said she couldn't make it. She had been up all night with her husband and was feeling very tired. She sounded sad, so after church we went to visit her. She let us in, so we went into the living room with her husband and his friend. When we sat down, his friend began to ask us a lot of questions. Mostly about food storage and families, but then he asked us how we know when God answers our prayers. He decided we are in tune, and then things began to escalate towards politics and guns. Religion and politics are like oil and water, so I just asked if I could share with them what we learned in church before we left. The room went silent, so I read Alma 41:10 and talked about agency. Her husband is Hebrew and disagrees with a lot of our beliefs, so he began to say it was wrong. I was able to share my testimony and I am so grateful for the Spirit because I could see that he recognized truth. His wife began to share that she was grateful I read out of the Book of Mormon. She said she learns very slowly and wants to understand, but we were only the third set of missionaries to read out of the Book of Mormon to her. She wrote down the scripture and we invited her to read the chapter after we left. She said she would! Then we asked her to join us later that night at the elderly home to sing with the residents. She was so excited. She is so awesome, she has been hurt by so many churches she basically just withdrew from attending churches. When she wants to speak with God, she mows her grass and talks to him. She said the only church she has ever been to that has made her feel good is the Mormon church, but she thinks shes been burnt too many times. She really is so giving and kind, she is always doing something for someone! 

I really didn't love going to the Elderly homes before I came out on my mission. They just kind of scared me, but now I cant even remember why. The Spirit is so strong and they are all just so cute and excited to sing about Jesus. Haha I just love singing with them so much! Sister Felt plays the piano and another member of our ward plays the violin. Its a good ol' time.

One thing is certain, we will be held accountable for our own choices and how we treat those around us. Sometimes its difficult, but I imagine it wasn't too easy for heavenly Father to sacrifice His only begotten Son.  

Mark 12
30 And thou shalt love the Lorthy God with all thy heartand with all thy soul, and witall thy mind, and with all thy strengththis is the first commandment.
31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greatethan these.
33 And to love him with all thheart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all wholburnt offerings and sacrifices.
We can do hard things y'all! Lean on the Lord, He will never lead us astray! I love y'all so much! Sister Morrill

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Snow in Cochran??

Hey y'all!

I hope y'all had a nice week.

I think we experienced Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter in the last 7 days. Change can be good though! Speaking of which, we had transfer calls on Saturday and Sister Felt and I are staying in Cochran! This is her last transfer of her mission, so we're making the most of it.

This week was unfortunate, because almost all of the people we are teaching caught the flu. It was not an idea teaching week, but we were able to do some service for several people we met. 

We found a super awesome woman this week! We drove by her crossing the street on our way to an appointment. She stood out to me, so when we passed her again I recognized her.  This time we turned around and she was sitting outside CVS. We parked and walked over to her and she began to open up to us. She was sharing with us how she has so much going on and how her son is in jail in Texas and she just wants him to be able to hear about God. She began to cry and she explained how sometimes she just needs someone to be there for her because she is trying so hard to be there for everyone. We began to talk about how Jesus Christ loves all of us equally and this life is a time to overcome struggles and challenges we face. We shared the Book of Mormon and wrote our testimonies in it for her. She was so sweet, she told us she was going to write in her journal about us and was so grateful we stopped to see her! We left her with 3 Nephi 11 and we found out she is doesn't live to far from us! Her family is Pentecostal, but she was super excited to read the Book of Mormon :)

Sunday night we taught family home evening to our bishop, his wife, and an investigator! We brought some Oreo's and had them put them on their forehead, we told them in order to eat it they would have to get it into their mouth. The only rule is they cant use their hands. It was hilarious, one of the other men there had glasses on and the Oreo just sat on the frame of his glasses. No one was able to do it, and I asked them why. They all responded because they couldn't use their hands! I told them that would make it difficult, but then I asked them why none of them thought to ask me to help. They were unable to use their own hands, but mine were perfectly stretched out the whole time. We OREO'D them, and invited them to seek Christ the next time they find themselves struggling. We committed them to find someone and help them out as well. 

So just a funny story, the theme song for frosted flakes is something I always yell at my companion when I run. 

"Everywhere we go,
People want to know,
Who we are,
So we tell them,
We are disciples,
Jesus Christs disciples"

I just find it entertaining and motivating, but anyway we were doing that and this little 3 year old on the track started saying "everywhere we go" and my heart just melted because kids are awesome. 

I love y'all so much! Always remember how wonderful you are, Jesus Christ knows you perfectly.
Sister Morrill

2 Nephi 31:20
"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Truth Will Set You Free

Hey y'all!

It's been a crazy week here! I hope y'all had an awesome week wherever you were :) 

Last week we were asked, "does the end justify the means?" from someone we ran into. I've been thinking a lot about that question and I decided that is a loaded question! I guess it really depends on what the means were, but thankfully we will not be the judge of it. 

On Wednesday we went on exchanges again, but this time I stayed. So Sister Felt and I switched positions, and now I am leading.

On Saturday, we taught the family that we knocked into and it was awesome! We talked about the significance of the Sacrament and they explained the Restoration from their understanding. I love it when our message just clicks to people, they totally get it! Throughout our lesson, someone was seriously trying to contact them. Their phones vibrated just about the entire time, come to find out.. their daughter and her fiance had broken down on the side of the road! We had plans to see them on Monday as well, but all of their children except one are sick! The adversary always tries to come between good things, but they are persevering.

Shortly after that, we received "the phone call". The 13 year old we had on date decided she didn't want to join the church because she doesn't want to have to give up sweet tea. Soooo, we drove right on over there. Her grandma let us in, but she didn't come out. We asked if we could talk to her and she came in and sat with us. Oh my gosh she is just the sweetest, but she told us she just really loves sweet tea. We tried to invite her to go without tea for a week, but apparently her grandma doesn't allow it in the house and she doesn't even really drink it unless she is with her mom. I was a little confused, but I felt prompted to share a personal experience. I know the Word of Wisdom is a commandment from God, and it opens the door to so many blessings we can receive if we choose to follow it! Her whole face shifted and she looked sad to me. But then she said, "I don't want to put tea before God". Her love and desire to see Him is beautiful to see. I feel so grateful she was able to understand that commandments from God and is able to recognize why He gives them to us.  She asked us to continue to teach her and she still wants to come to church, but she doesn't feel ready right now. I know that God is working with her :)

We taught a woman this week who had been previously taught a few months back, she is so humble. She had everything stolen from her and reached out to us about talking with our Bishop. When she came, we were able to give her a tour of the church and show her the baptismal font. She is terrified of water.. but we had the Bishops wife with us and she shared an experience from when she served in Japan! It was so inspiring, it was about two missionaries who mistook "seconds" for "minutes" but the boy that they were baptizing had so much faith in God that he said he knew God would provide a way. Every day he went home and held his breath under water and got up to like 1 minute. When he was baptized and came out of the water he said, "I knew God would provide a way!". He was only under for about 2 seconds, but he didn't realize that. Haha it was just awesome, but I know that God provides a way for us to do all things when we choose to follow Him. Since then, we have taught her twice. She remembers all of the lessons, and just wants to read with us! Haha, so we are looking for a member to read with her and the coolest thing is that we started teaching her sister too!

Apparently Sisters have tried to get her to sit in, but hey persistence is key in this life and when we asked again she happily turned her tv off and came in. We taught the Word of Wisdom and although she struggles with it, she committed to keep it! We are so grateful for people who choose God!

On Sunday, we had the opportunity to hear from our new Prophet! He spoke to 105 stakes in the Southern states and oh wow it was powerful. He spoke on repentance and it was so beautifully spoken. 

After church, we taught an 11 year old the 10 commandments. We asked her why she thinks God asks us not to lie, she said, "because the truth will set you free". Simple as that, kids are so awesome. She wants to be baptized on February 18th!

So is the end justified by the means? Perhaps the question I wonder is, "am I living a life where justification will be necessary at the final day?".

Be accountable because, the truth will set you free!

I love y'all! I hope the upcoming week treats y'all wonderful. 

1 Nephi 10:17
"For he is the same yesterday, today, and forever; and the way is prepared for all men frothe foundation of the world, if it so be that they repent and come unto him."

Sister Morrill

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

This Little Light of Mine

Hey y'all!

I hope something awesome happened to y'all this week. God is so merciful and willing to bless us when we look to Him!

This past week we met a family that wants us to teach them. On Tuesday night, we were having dinner at a members home and she invited a family to come as well. They met at a garage sale a while back and became friends. So, we were sitting in the living room with the women and the mom mentioned she had never been really religious. We asked her if she wanted to learn more about Jesus Christ and she agreed but looked unsure. We asked if we could share the Book of Mormon map with them and as we were teaching them I realized the men in the kitchen went silent. They were listening! Something peaked her husbands interest and he sat down with us. After we finished he asked us what it means to be saved. We asked him what it meant to him. He told us he doesn't think we need to be baptized in order to be saved, but he thinks its important. They asked us if we visit homes and if we would come teach them! Absolutely! We went over on Thursday and taught them the Restoration. They were so willing and exciting to learn, it was wonderful! It was pretty cool too, he told us that he had not seen with family we went to dinner with in 4 years. He said he knew that it wasn't by chance we were both there and that when he heard us talking about Christ he decided it was time for him to listen. He grew up going to a Baptist Church and his dad was a preacher. We are excited to teach them!

We put a 13 year old girl on date to be baptized on the 20th, she is so awesome! She loves to learn and asks so many questions! I just love that, questions are the only way to get answers! 

On another note, we went to the grocery store before we emailed today, and while we were shopping a worker approached us and asked us where we are from. She told us she is looking for a church and gave us her information and asked us to come by to teach her and her 4 kids. So that was pretty awesome! 

This gospel is so cool y'all! Learn it, live it, LOVE it! 

"There is more to life, than mortal life"

I love y'all, have a wonderful rest of your week!
Sister Morrill

1 Nephi 19:6
"Nevertheless, I do not write anything upon plates save it be that I think it be sacred. And now, if I do err, even did they err of old; not that I would excuse myself because of other men, but because of the weakness which is in me, according to the flesh, I would excuse myself."

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Welcoming 20GR18 With Open Arms

Happy New Year y'all!

I hope you've reflected on the blessin's from 2017 and are pumped for 2018! 

At Christmas conference President Grayson challenged our mission to read the Book of Mormon by Easter. 6 pages a day! We are marking the importance of repentance, the blessings we can receive from it, and how we can better apply repentance in our life. I am excited! Repentance = Happiness

On Saturday, Sister Felt and I had such an awesome day. We were out finding people to teach and we came across two boys outside on their trampoline. We asked them if their parents were home and if they would be interested in hearing a message about Jesus Christ. They said probably and told us they were inside.. so we went to the front door and we met their dad. He asked us if we are Jehovah's Witnesses, and we told him we are Latter Day Saints! He was impressed because he had met with almost every religion, but he's never studied with us. We briefly taught him the Restoration, and left him with a pamphlet because he was in the middle of something. He asked if we could come back the following day because his wife would be home too. So, we came back on Sunday and they were all outside loading up their trailer. He said he had forgotten he made an appointment with us until right when we pulled up haha! I just thought that was funny. It reminds me about how we are walking by faith on Earth, because we are being tested. We forget because we are human. We walked by sight before we came here, because we were literally with God before we came here. Why don't we remember? Well if we knew everything, we wouldn't need to be tested :)  

Ecclesiastes 1:11
There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall therbe any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.

The gospel is just so cool. Anyways, they were on their way out because their heater broke so they were headed to fix it. They asked us to come by tomorrow before the Georgia game. So yesterday we went over and oh my goodness what a spiritual experience. When we got there he had the game on and he asked us to sit down. He turned the tv down a little, and asked about our day. We asked him if he had a chance to read the pamphlet, and he turned the tv down a little more. He was telling us about it while we waited for his wife to sit down and when she sat down we asked if we could start with a word of prayer. He turned the tv off, and after we prayed he even turned their heater off so he could hear better! The spirit was totally present and all distractions were removed. Success comes from a clear purpose and he knew we were not there to hang out. We met with three of their grandchildren and their daughter too! We talked about what faith is and the man shared an experience about his mother before she passed away. His granddaughter began to cry and I think I even saw him tear up and toward the end their daughter was getting tear eyed too. We asked them about how they can know whether or not something is from God and one of the little boys said he just knows. He has lost everyone close to him, and he prays all of the time. We shared the analogy about how God is kind of like the Wind. Can we see wind? No. So how do we know its wind? We can feel it! 

Oh it was just such a beautiful experience to be in their home and to see them light up! He literally asked where he could order a Book of Mormon because he wants to read it! (We have a copy for you right here Sir, all you have to do is read it and pray!) He told us he would like for us to continue to visit them because he feels right about the things we share and he wants to learn more!

Tracking miracles! It is far more productive than thinking about what to do when plans fall through, pray and go where the Spirit directs! God is awesome!

I love y'all! 

Remember as you carry out the New Year goals you've set,

How do you eat an elephant? Bite by bite. Make small goals, theyre much more achievable and realistic. We can do hard things y'all! Have a blessed week :)

1 Nephi 16:29
"And there was also written upon them a new writing, which was plain to be read, which did give us understanding concerning the ways of the Lord; and it was written and changed from time to time, according to the faith and diligence which we gave unto it. And thus we see that by small means the Lord can bring about great things."

Sister Morrill