Tuesday, January 9, 2018

This Little Light of Mine

Hey y'all!

I hope something awesome happened to y'all this week. God is so merciful and willing to bless us when we look to Him!

This past week we met a family that wants us to teach them. On Tuesday night, we were having dinner at a members home and she invited a family to come as well. They met at a garage sale a while back and became friends. So, we were sitting in the living room with the women and the mom mentioned she had never been really religious. We asked her if she wanted to learn more about Jesus Christ and she agreed but looked unsure. We asked if we could share the Book of Mormon map with them and as we were teaching them I realized the men in the kitchen went silent. They were listening! Something peaked her husbands interest and he sat down with us. After we finished he asked us what it means to be saved. We asked him what it meant to him. He told us he doesn't think we need to be baptized in order to be saved, but he thinks its important. They asked us if we visit homes and if we would come teach them! Absolutely! We went over on Thursday and taught them the Restoration. They were so willing and exciting to learn, it was wonderful! It was pretty cool too, he told us that he had not seen with family we went to dinner with in 4 years. He said he knew that it wasn't by chance we were both there and that when he heard us talking about Christ he decided it was time for him to listen. He grew up going to a Baptist Church and his dad was a preacher. We are excited to teach them!

We put a 13 year old girl on date to be baptized on the 20th, she is so awesome! She loves to learn and asks so many questions! I just love that, questions are the only way to get answers! 

On another note, we went to the grocery store before we emailed today, and while we were shopping a worker approached us and asked us where we are from. She told us she is looking for a church and gave us her information and asked us to come by to teach her and her 4 kids. So that was pretty awesome! 

This gospel is so cool y'all! Learn it, live it, LOVE it! 

"There is more to life, than mortal life"

I love y'all, have a wonderful rest of your week!
Sister Morrill

1 Nephi 19:6
"Nevertheless, I do not write anything upon plates save it be that I think it be sacred. And now, if I do err, even did they err of old; not that I would excuse myself because of other men, but because of the weakness which is in me, according to the flesh, I would excuse myself."

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