Monday, January 29, 2018

He Lives!

Hey y'all!

I hope your week was peachy!

This week was interesting, as they all are. Sister Felt and I went tracting and we came across this man who came outside and shared his story with us. He was so curious about how we knew about God's plan for us. He asked us where the information we shared was in the Bible, so we shared a scripture and then his wife came home. They invited us in and placed one chair in front of their couch and asked me to sit down. We began to share our message with them and they were listening pretty intently. They would ask where in the Bible it said that, so we directed them and then we would move on to the next point. After we finished they began to share with us things that they have read about our religion, and we just boar testimony of Jesus Christ. I am not entirely sure what their intentions were when they invited us in, but they were very kind. We prayed and then stood up to leave, as we were walking out Sister Felt commented on their piano. The wife asked her if she cared to play a song. She looked at me like she was unsure, but I wasn't! Sister Felt plays the piano beautifully and literally has the voice of an angel. She sat down and contemplated which song she would do. She decided and began to sing and play, "I know that my Redeemer Lives". The entire atmosphere shifted and the wife moved to the side of the piano to watch. We all had tears in our eyes, I just felt so much peace and joy. They asked us to come back and see them and she invited Sister Felt to her piano whenever she wanted. Haha it was pretty cool, we brought them a dessert someone gave us the following day. 

On Saturday, we invited a woman who has known missionaries for about 10 years now to come to church. Sister Felt was playing the piano for someone and we wanted her to come hear her play! She was more than glad to come, but called us the morning of and said she couldn't make it. She had been up all night with her husband and was feeling very tired. She sounded sad, so after church we went to visit her. She let us in, so we went into the living room with her husband and his friend. When we sat down, his friend began to ask us a lot of questions. Mostly about food storage and families, but then he asked us how we know when God answers our prayers. He decided we are in tune, and then things began to escalate towards politics and guns. Religion and politics are like oil and water, so I just asked if I could share with them what we learned in church before we left. The room went silent, so I read Alma 41:10 and talked about agency. Her husband is Hebrew and disagrees with a lot of our beliefs, so he began to say it was wrong. I was able to share my testimony and I am so grateful for the Spirit because I could see that he recognized truth. His wife began to share that she was grateful I read out of the Book of Mormon. She said she learns very slowly and wants to understand, but we were only the third set of missionaries to read out of the Book of Mormon to her. She wrote down the scripture and we invited her to read the chapter after we left. She said she would! Then we asked her to join us later that night at the elderly home to sing with the residents. She was so excited. She is so awesome, she has been hurt by so many churches she basically just withdrew from attending churches. When she wants to speak with God, she mows her grass and talks to him. She said the only church she has ever been to that has made her feel good is the Mormon church, but she thinks shes been burnt too many times. She really is so giving and kind, she is always doing something for someone! 

I really didn't love going to the Elderly homes before I came out on my mission. They just kind of scared me, but now I cant even remember why. The Spirit is so strong and they are all just so cute and excited to sing about Jesus. Haha I just love singing with them so much! Sister Felt plays the piano and another member of our ward plays the violin. Its a good ol' time.

One thing is certain, we will be held accountable for our own choices and how we treat those around us. Sometimes its difficult, but I imagine it wasn't too easy for heavenly Father to sacrifice His only begotten Son.  

Mark 12
30 And thou shalt love the Lorthy God with all thy heartand with all thy soul, and witall thy mind, and with all thy strengththis is the first commandment.
31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greatethan these.
33 And to love him with all thheart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all wholburnt offerings and sacrifices.
We can do hard things y'all! Lean on the Lord, He will never lead us astray! I love y'all so much! Sister Morrill

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