Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Snow in Cochran??

Hey y'all!

I hope y'all had a nice week.

I think we experienced Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter in the last 7 days. Change can be good though! Speaking of which, we had transfer calls on Saturday and Sister Felt and I are staying in Cochran! This is her last transfer of her mission, so we're making the most of it.

This week was unfortunate, because almost all of the people we are teaching caught the flu. It was not an idea teaching week, but we were able to do some service for several people we met. 

We found a super awesome woman this week! We drove by her crossing the street on our way to an appointment. She stood out to me, so when we passed her again I recognized her.  This time we turned around and she was sitting outside CVS. We parked and walked over to her and she began to open up to us. She was sharing with us how she has so much going on and how her son is in jail in Texas and she just wants him to be able to hear about God. She began to cry and she explained how sometimes she just needs someone to be there for her because she is trying so hard to be there for everyone. We began to talk about how Jesus Christ loves all of us equally and this life is a time to overcome struggles and challenges we face. We shared the Book of Mormon and wrote our testimonies in it for her. She was so sweet, she told us she was going to write in her journal about us and was so grateful we stopped to see her! We left her with 3 Nephi 11 and we found out she is doesn't live to far from us! Her family is Pentecostal, but she was super excited to read the Book of Mormon :)

Sunday night we taught family home evening to our bishop, his wife, and an investigator! We brought some Oreo's and had them put them on their forehead, we told them in order to eat it they would have to get it into their mouth. The only rule is they cant use their hands. It was hilarious, one of the other men there had glasses on and the Oreo just sat on the frame of his glasses. No one was able to do it, and I asked them why. They all responded because they couldn't use their hands! I told them that would make it difficult, but then I asked them why none of them thought to ask me to help. They were unable to use their own hands, but mine were perfectly stretched out the whole time. We OREO'D them, and invited them to seek Christ the next time they find themselves struggling. We committed them to find someone and help them out as well. 

So just a funny story, the theme song for frosted flakes is something I always yell at my companion when I run. 

"Everywhere we go,
People want to know,
Who we are,
So we tell them,
We are disciples,
Jesus Christs disciples"

I just find it entertaining and motivating, but anyway we were doing that and this little 3 year old on the track started saying "everywhere we go" and my heart just melted because kids are awesome. 

I love y'all so much! Always remember how wonderful you are, Jesus Christ knows you perfectly.
Sister Morrill

2 Nephi 31:20
"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life

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