Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Have I Done Any Good In The World Today?

Hey y'all!

Our week has been great & I pray y'all can say the same about yours. 

This week we had a lesson with the member referral I mentioned last week and she is awesome! We taught her the Restoration and she came to church again!! Yesterday we taught her about the Godhead and tonight we are having family home evening with her and a family. 

The Godhead is probably one of my favorite restored truths, I love my heavenly Father, my Savior, and the Holy Ghost! I am grateful for the knowledge I have of them. I continue to build upon it as I study my scriptures, experience life, and pray because it helps strengthen my relationship with each of them. We can pray to our Father in heaven, follow Jesus Christ as we choose the right, and feel comforted and confident by the power of the Holy Ghost. They are all distinct personages, but one in purpose! That purpose being to bring to pass the eternal life of man :) 

I want to share a little bit about what I have learned about sacrifices with y'all. A couple of weeks back, we heard a General Conference talk called "One More Day". This talk gave me a desire to sacrifice something in hopes that I would be a better missionary and disciple of Jesus Christ. I chose to sacrifice music, but recently I discovered that was vain and I can do better. I do not have a strong attachment to music and it was not very difficult for me to stop listening to it, so I tried again with something I do struggle with. 

I personally feel strange smiling every second of the day and my resting face is my comfortable face. Unfortunately for me my comfortable face does not represent how happy I do feel, so I promised God I would give it up for 48 hours. I sacrificed my own comfort and smiled 2 days straight until it hurt. (I believe it remained while I slept). Let me tell y'all, it did hurt because I am fairly certain I used muscles in my face I have never used before. It was amazing to feel the difference in my attitude, outlook, and thoughts just by making one better decision consciously. I know that by small and simple things, great things are brought to pass. I showed God my willingness to put forth effort into a smile and He filled my heart with greater understanding, peace, and joy. I love to feel at peace with myself! I promise y'all that as you give up something hard to you, God will replace it with something so much better. 

This week we finally got to meet with a man who has been coming to church for months. He has a hectic schedule, but literally just showed up to church one day and has attended ever since. He was taught by the Elders before, so we helped him better understand the Priesthood authority and he understood the scriptures as we taught!!!! God is so wonderful, we are so excited for his progression.

D&C 97:8
"Verily I say unto you, all among them who know their hearts are honest, and are broken, and their spirits contrite, and are willing to observe their covenants by sacrifice—yea, every sacrifice which I, the Lord, shall command—they are accepted of me."

I love y'all, I hope y'all are beginning to consider what y'all can do for the wonderful woman who brought you into this world. I am thankful for my Merm and her constant love and support. 
I wish y'all a lovely and blessed week,
Sister Morrill 

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