Tuesday, May 22, 2018

No Time Like The Present, Come Unto Christ!

Hey y'all! 

I hope y'all had a great week! This week we put a boy on date and he is awesome! He has so much understanding of the gospel, he is 9 and ready to be baptized on May 31st!

Kelsey is the member referal we have been teaching and she is wonderful! She is so strong and everything she has been experiencing is only strengthening her testimony that she is walking the path of truth. We taught her this morning and she is planning to be baptized on June 9th! We love her and her gospel notebook! 

I had such an awesome birthday, I was planning on keeping to myself because 18 months is a short time I have the privledge to focus on everyone but myself! But the Elders here planned a party the night before and after with two of the families here. I think just about the whole town knew it was my birthday & wished me a happy day! (Kidding) but seriously there is no better gift to me than to be surrounded by good Georgia folk who love me ;)

I definitely learned a lot this week about the eternal significance of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. The Sacrament (bread and water) is a representation of being washed clean every week! The Atonement is so important, daily repentance how we change and become more like Christ. Y'all! The Gospel is so important! We do not have to be or do anything in this world that we don't want to. Choose the right! Living the principles I believe has improved my life. God gives us commandments, because He knows everything and the only way to experience eternal joy now is to keep them! Think of them more like guidelines, because He won't force you to keep them though.. no one will actually. It is our choice, and He lets us choose because He loves us. :)

Next week is transfers, so stay tuned.. I go where the Lord takes me!

I love y'all! Thank you for the birthday wishes! Have a happy week!!
Sister Morrill

ps. Sister Smith can sound like just about any animal so I hope y'all enjoy this picture of her with a chicken on her head. 

Omni 1:26
"And now, my beloved brethren, would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unthim, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved."

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