I hope y'all had a great weekend & treated your mom with the love and respect she deserves.
I feel like I just wrote! My companion asked a return Missionary if the first half or the second half of the mission goes quicker, all she responded was "yup". haha.. yup.
We had zone conference this week in Macon. We got home a little after 5 and while we were having dinner the Cochran Elders texted us because they were still in Macon and wouldn't be home in time to give a church tour. We told them we would happily give the tour for them. The individual was not able to make it, but as we were getting ready to leave the church, a man we've been teaching reached out to us. He wanted to read in the Book of Mormon, because he has been struggling with his thoughts and he feels strength when he reads the scriptures. So we quickly arranged for a member to join all of us at another members home at 8 p.m. (The members here are seriously the best!) The Spirit was so strong, and Sister Smith is such a powerful teacher! I love serving with her. He committed to work toward baptism on the 15th of June!!
We also had the opportunity to see the member referral we started teaching back about 5 weeks ago. She was ready to pick up right where we left off! We love her and she loves to learn, she literally has a notebook full of notes! We taught her the Plan of Salvation and our purpose in life. At the end of our lesson she brought up tea and then seriously she committed herself to live the Word of Wisdom for a week!! She rocks.
Sister Orton (stellar missionary) gave a training at Zone Conference and she talked about when Jesus Christ invites Peter and his brother to follow Him.They willingly dropped their nets and faithfully joined Him.
Matthew 4
18 And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.
19 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
20 And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.
She invited us to consider our what are our"nets". Something we may be holding on to that is keeping us from following Him closer, and to let it go! I've been considering what I do on my personal time after 9 pm and trying to better prioritize my tasks. Preparation= a better stress free tomorrow!
Happy Birthday Scott & Caroline!!!! My other two & I turn 21 on Sunday :) I love y'all, thanks for making me feel whole :,)
Have a happy week!
Sister Morrill
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